Sat, 04 May 2024, 09:00 UTC — Sat, 04 May 2024, 21:00 UTC 



Punk Security DevSecOps birthday CTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 37.00 

Rating weight: 24.82 

Event organizers 

NOTE: The CTF is 10AM BST (9AM UTC) and runs for 12 hours!

To celebrate our birthday we are hosting a DevSecOps CTF!

You can expect awesome challenges with a DevSecOps theme! Abusing cloud services, finding secrets, patching vulnerable applications, cracking JWTs and ansible vaults!

We will have prizes for UK teams only but anyone can compete for fun!

There will be challenges for all levels, with around 40 challenges planned in total. Some will require static flags, but others will require you to fix or protect something however you think best!


UK Teams only

> First place
? £100 Amazon Voucher
? Punk SWAG (stickers and a commemorative badge)
> Second place
? £50 Amazon Voucher
? Punk SWAG (stickers and a commemorative badge)
> Third place
? Punk SWAG (stickers and a commemorative badge)


206 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 bri0sh3 989.00049.640
2 APT42 899.00034.971
3 Olga Sucrée 749.00027.070
4 4T$ 619.00021.739
5 hamayanhamayan 549.00018.742
6 Pilum Muralis 539.00017.663
7 FlagMotori 509.00016.320
8 HCS 399.00013.116
9 etiquette 389.00012.520
10 DEFinite 379.00011.993
11 Omsk_Hackers 379.00011.768
12 Parmag3dd0n 379.00011.580
13 Handforth Cyber Club 379.00011.421
14 Akasec 379.00011.284
15 hell 329.0009.911
16 Lights of Pineapples 329.0009.808
17 Phish 329.0009.717
18 Callipygian Consortium of Cryptography 314.0009.259
19 Clube das Winx 299.0008.810
20 Q3CTF 279.0008.243
21 newname 279.0008.184
22 25ji 279.0008.130
23 HackDisciple 279.0008.081
24 Concerned Capybaras 279.0008.036
25 BITSkrieg 259.0007.493
26 Khonsu 249.0007.204
27 pspspsps 239.0006.917
28 5YND1C473 229.0006.633
29 CyberSentinels 229.0006.603
30 CyberneticPayload 229.0006.574
31 br1ght 209.0006.046
32 JCComputing 199.0005.770
33 crabfacts 199.0005.746
34 BrownShell 199.0005.724
35 Byte-sized Bruteforcers 189.0005.452
36 Leigh hackspace 179.0005.182
37 RooterX 179.0005.163
38 UofTCTF 169.0004.894
39 BlueCyber CTF 159.0004.627
40 LosFuzzys 159.0004.611
41 0xOri 149.0004.345
42 Advanced CTF Threat 139.0004.079
43 TeamPumpkinPi 139.0004.066
44 Team-23 129.0003.801
45 BuyLowShellHigh 109.0003.287
46 ESwox team's 109.0003.275
47 salespies 99.0003.013
48 Godzill'hack 99.0003.002
49 soala gogo 99.0002.991
50 SUNYCIDrUP 99.0002.981
51 f13ldf0lks 94.0002.846
52 Wootless 90.0002.736
53 MY7H 89.0002.702
54 JumpingCats4000 79.0002.442
55 wagamama 79.0002.434
56 g00fy_ahh 79.0002.426
57 Czech Cyber Team 69.0002.167
58 P4rad0x 69.0002.160
59 C1c4d4 3301 69.0002.152
60 humongus 60.0001.919
61 bcnLegoFlowers 60.0001.913
62 Goodwill Mischief 59.0001.881
63 teamMoMo 59.0001.875
64 r1p3rS 59.0001.868
65 zinzin 59.0001.863
66 chuchunteam 50.0001.631
67 Armands 49.0001.600
68 draya 49.0001.595
69 ssssssst 49.0001.589
70 FourToOne 49.0001.584
71 shonan-space 49.0001.579
72 Kukko ja Paalit 49.0001.574
73 AAAA 49.0001.570
74 helloWorld 39.0001.314
75 Hash Dogs 39.0001.310
76 Super_Hackers 39.0001.305
77 ixi 39.0001.301
78 RiST 39.0001.297
79 Bugs B0unt3r 39.0001.293
80 HACKTORIA 39.0001.289
81 cyberwhimsy 39.0001.285
82 Rakettiryhmä 39.0001.281
83 ctfrrteam 39.0001.278
84 Piggyz 39.0001.274
85 dsaq 35.0001.170
86 Script Kitties 35.0001.167
87 DarkSoul 30.0001.038
88 Erzow 30.0001.035
89 Agents of Pwn 29.0001.007
90 LSPGEE 29.0001.004
91 training 29.0001.001
92 WarFare_Sec 29.0000.998
93 Argonauts 29.0000.995
94 ea2361 29.0000.992
95 errormath 29.0000.989
96 greenflags 29.0000.986
97 Vexation 29.0000.984
98 !Time_For_418 25.0000.881
99 KKT 25.0000.878
100 SavedByTheShell 24.0000.851
101 Cyb3rCl4w 24.0000.848
102 HalloWelt 20.0000.745
103 C-137 20.0000.743
104 TheKranichs 19.0000.715
105 Yazhi 19.0000.713
106 Integrated Hawkers 19.0000.711
107 PhoenixNest 19.0000.709
108 f4n_n3r0 19.0000.707
109 Switch 19.0000.705
110 myst3r10us 19.0000.702
111 Martial_Law_Enforcer 19.0000.700
112 WPwnerD 19.0000.698
113 Pwnishment 19.0000.696
114 Gentowo 19.0000.695
115 SpawendHellions 19.0000.693
116 mak47 19.0000.691
117 Zero Day Warriors 19.0000.689
118 somayi2021 19.0000.687
119 4GUn7uk 19.0000.685
120 5m3_404 19.0000.684
121 Glow in the Dark Gang 19.0000.682
122 midnightbliss 19.0000.680
123 42MLG 19.0000.679
124 Divolos Trouble Maker 19.0000.677
125 TCTN 19.0000.675
126 PracticeTeam 19.0000.674
127 mizore_fuyu 19.0000.672
128 Centinels 19.0000.671
129 Bits & Pieces 19.0000.669
130 abcdef 19.0000.668
131 CyberTitan 19.0000.666
132 bdhxgrp 19.0000.665
133 robot 19.0000.663
134 Blind_Virus 19.0000.662
135 lolu 19.0000.661
136 simple 19.0000.659
137 helloworlds 19.0000.658
138 Elaine_niu 19.0000.657
139 mimicats 19.0000.655
140 Twin Rivers Tech Collective 19.0000.654
141 SecUs 19.0000.653
142 Anatolian Cyber Team 19.0000.652
143 NCA@Nepal 19.0000.650
144 Malicious_guy 19.0000.649
145 c-m-p-c 19.0000.648
146 holm 19.0000.647
147 Technoids 14.0000.520
148 Ari35 14.0000.519
149 mr_bobot 14.0000.518
150 light_team 14.0000.517
151 try to be better 14.0000.516
152 gigi 14.0000.515
153 Sagi 14.0000.514
154 Secret101 14.0000.513
155 apalah 14.0000.511
156 chipich4p4 14.0000.510
157 suzu 14.0000.509
158 C4RRO7 14.0000.508
159 3ng1n33r 14.0000.507
160 WeAre 14.0000.506
161 karmasutra 14.0000.506
162 Shwe_Yin_Aye 14.0000.505
163 neverwin1234 14.0000.504
164 pat_pat 14.0000.503
165 {Th1s_1s_Mr.Sh3lby} 14.0000.502
166 ogo kacheli 14.0000.501
167 alo123 14.0000.500
168 hahah 14.0000.499
169 AreDaYush? 14.0000.498
170 JustHack 14.0000.497
171 singnoob 14.0000.496
172 Sumire 14.0000.496
173 lmao lmao lmao 14.0000.495
174 LeGan 14.0000.494
175 ganso 14.0000.493
176 n00b5t3rs! 14.0000.492
177 EliteCollapseZ 10.0000.391
178 m1nt4l1ty 10.0000.390
179 01 10.0000.390
180 samaqlo 10.0000.389
181 mikejam 10.0000.388
182 Team Spiryt 10.0000.387
183 LoneWolf 10.0000.387
184 thestranger 9.0000.361
185 Cipherghosts 5.0000.260
186 death reapers 5.0000.259
187 devsexops 5.0000.258
188 {{333*333}} 5.0000.258
189 ctf953 5.0000.257
190 Scr3ws4ndB0lt5 5.0000.256
191 r4v3n 5.0000.255
192 ch3cke 5.0000.255
193 dasadwdas 5.0000.254
194 X@k3R v R3k@X 5.0000.253
195 zeromarea 5.0000.253
196 ll 5.0000.252
197 kotlet 5.0000.251
198 ilz 5.0000.251
199 JAcK 5.0000.250
200 Cyb3rPr1s0n 5.0000.250
201 bawc 5.0000.249
202 B3GG1N3R 5.0000.248
203 Fsocit3 5.0000.248
204 justforfun 5.0000.247
205 haters 5.0000.247
206 what 5.0000.123
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