Mon, 13 March 2023, 20:00 UTC — Sun, 19 March 2023, 20:00 UTC 


HackDay CTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 14.91 

Rating weight: 0 

This event lasts more than 5 days! No global rating points.

Event organizers 

The HackDay challenge is a French cybersecurity competition for graduate students.

The 25 teams selected during the online qualification phase will be invited to compete during the grand final, which will take place on-site within the ESIEE Paris engineering school.

The categories are: Crypto, Forensic, Hardware, WEB, Stegano, Reverse and more !

The three winning teams will be rewarded with many prizes, and professional proposals from our sponsors.

This year's edition is by the FIC Forum, and more !


The 25 teams selected during the online qualification phase will be invited to compete during the grand final, which will take place on-site within the ESIEE Paris engineering school.


111 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 Hecării, Țuica și Păunii 7948.0000.000
2 PWN STARS 7239.0000.000
3 LosFuzzys 6724.0000.000
4 OteriHack 6593.0000.000
5 PHREAKS 2600 6508.0000.000
6 InfoSecIITR 6242.0000.000
7 Knights_0f_Cleobulus 5752.0000.000
8 404BeerNotFound 5634.0000.000
9 Hephaestus' Hackers 5272.0000.000
10 free(vacation); 5250.0000.000
11 2FastFromTunisia 5031.0000.000
12 defragmented.brains 4875.0000.000
13 EPIsec 4762.0000.000
14 SC-Hash 4565.0000.000
15 42sh 4292.0000.000
16 PHREAKS 2600 2 4264.0000.000
17 pwnagaukar 4227.0000.000
18 🔫3️⃣🧹 4221.0000.000
19 UVT-CTF 4221.0000.000
20 transistor 3821.0000.000
21 HackUTT 3768.0000.000
22 SYNN3R 3683.0000.000
23 SeekCreds 3443.0000.000
24 Imagine ça passe 3393.0000.000
25 G2 3326.0000.000
26 SOter14 3066.0000.000
27 DaVinciCode 3019.0000.000
28 Hack'amai 2600 3014.0000.000
29 Grofi'Hack 2983.0000.000
30 ChatteGpete 2905.0000.000
31 MAK'HACK 2873.0000.000
32 0ps3c_Catastr0ph1que 2632.0000.000
33 DVCool 2412.0000.000
34 Web&beer RPZ 2359.0000.000
35 CyberKoopas 2224.0000.000
36 SKBO 2181.0000.000
37 Forsetty 2033.0000.000
38 NetBlade 2009.0000.000
39 d 2004.0000.000
40 FR13NDS TEAM 1958.0000.000
41 CRUNCH 2600 1893.0000.000
42 0xECE_Team2 1742.0000.000
43 EM1X 1713.0000.000
44 Infern'Hack 1695.0000.000
45 Solo [Nepal] 1643.0000.000
46 Bytes Breakers 1543.0000.000
47 ISI 1543.0000.000
48 blblblblbl 1442.0000.000
49 Z3US 1370.0000.000
50 Sur un mal entendu ça passe 1342.0000.000
51 ECHO 1300.0000.000
52 Sunrise{0}ISEN 1212.0000.000
53 SegFault 1200.0000.000
54 AtlantHack 1145.0000.000
55 3CBinks 1142.0000.000
56 Ursu_Concursu 1000.0000.000
57 xanhacks 1000.0000.000
58 Octet_Mignonne 945.0000.000
59 0xECE_team_1 942.0000.000
60 scimus_verum 901.0000.000
61 Cailloux solide 900.0000.000
62 MOJOS 900.0000.000
63 HDFR 900.0000.000
64 Les Écrevisses du Marais 900.0000.000
65 R-Hack-Lette 889.0000.000
66 Funky Monkey 845.0000.000
67 6bière Sécurité 745.0000.000
68 PWN stars-2 700.0000.000
69 Rattathack 700.0000.000
70 CiberSecUNI 700.0000.000
71 FlagaDoS 700.0000.000
72 GitPushou 700.0000.000
73 You're a lizard 2600 612.0000.000
74 Les Toulous'unBreton 600.0000.000
75 CyberDrivers_ 600.0000.000
76 shadow 600.0000.000
77 Obsidian'); DROP TABLE Participants; -- 600.0000.000
78 RedMoustache 600.0000.000
79 F4k3L0gy 600.0000.000
80 Jeunes IHEDN 545.0000.000
81 Unibraincell 500.0000.000
82 Cristaline Pêche 500.0000.000
83 1nov Cyb3r 500.0000.000
84 passw0rd 500.0000.000
85 CyberPSI 400.0000.000
86 OxyHack 400.0000.000
87 HDFR2 400.0000.000
88 Pawdawan 2600 400.0000.000
89 Bily Society 400.0000.000
90 Rogue Squadron 300.0000.000
91 fL0ck 300.0000.000
92 2VI$ION 300.0000.000
93 CTF_Templars 300.0000.000
94 EVI4ION 300.0000.000
95 L'oisiveté 300.0000.000
96 Totem's Hackers 300.0000.000
97 CY TECH PAU 300.0000.000
98 3SI3 200.0000.000
99 Phishers of Men 200.0000.000
100 Lablebi 200.0000.000
101 bingus 100.0000.000
102 V'Hack à terre 100.0000.000
103 Stalker Society 100.0000.000
104 Cyber_Tatou_Furtif 100.0000.000
105 My_team_123 100.0000.000
106 Sn0wh4ck 100.0000.000
107 Nabla Research Corp. 100.0000.000
108 INFOSECS 100.0000.000
109 Konohack 100.0000.000
110 Binary Kings 100.0000.000
111 OCDream 100.0000.000
Reverse0March 14, 2023, 1:01 p.m.

i cant join tihs ctf why

r4j4_rjMarch 14, 2023, 1:31 p.m.

looks fake, the website is not responding, has a very high latency and doesn't even have proper interface

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