Sat, 08 Oct. 2022, 17:00 UTC — Sun, 09 Oct. 2022, 17:00 UTC
A CyberSecurityRumble CTF event.
Format: Jeopardy
Official URL:
This event's future weight is subject of public voting!
Event organizersThe (Cyber) CyberSecurityRumble Germany is back!
The CSR this year will be a 24h online Jeopardy style CTF.
**Max Team size is 6 Hackers!**
Everybody is allowed to participate online.
Again we'll have tasks in all categories: pwn, rev, crypto, web, ... from beginner friendly to 31337!
Next year we'll hopefully have an onsite final again!
Global Category:
1. Place
> 1st Place trophy in the form of an XL-size authentic custom Fünfeckwimpel with your team's logo and a very pretty holder
> Certificate signed by someone semi important
> Merch
2. Place
> 2nd place trophy in the form of an L-size authentic custom Fünfeckwimpel with your team's logo and a holder
> Certificate signed by someone semi important
> Merch
3. Place
> 3rd Place trophy in the form of an S-size authentic custom Fünfeckwimpel with your team's logo
> Certificate signed by someone unimportant
> Merch
D/A/CH Student Category:
1. Place
> Awesome trophy.
> SANS Training OnDemand for all members of the team (max 6). The trainings are worth up to 8k € per course.
> Awesome Hak5 Gadgets.*
> YubiKey 5C NFC.*
2. Place
> Awesome, but slightly smaller trophy.
> Access to the SANS Netwars Continuous.
> Awesome Hak5 Gadgets.*
> YubiKey 5C NFC.*
3. Place
> Awesome, yet even smaller trophy.
> Awesome Hak5 Gadgets.*
> YubiKey 5C NFC.*
4-10. Place
> Awesome Hak5 Gadgets.*
> YubiKey 5C NFC.*
260 teams total
Place | Team | CTF points | Rating points | |
1 | Balsn | 9232.000 | 124.000 | |
2 | justCatTheFish | 7684.000 | 82.604 | |
3 | r3kapig | 7684.000 | 72.271 | |
4 | ENOFLAG | 6844.000 | 61.463 | |
5 | organizers | 6474.000 | 55.878 | |
6 | HaverageBhackariEnjoyers | 6121.000 | 51.441 | |
7 | Zer0Tolerance | 5583.000 | 46.351 | |
8 | ./Vespiary | 5387.000 | 43.928 | |
9 | DTUHAX | 4962.000 | 40.213 | |
10 | KITCTF | 4812.000 | 38.516 | |
11 | ID-10-T | 4746.000 | 37.509 | |
12 | DieterOverflow | 4599.000 | 36.052 | |
13 | thehackerscrew | 4136.000 | 32.546 | |
14 | FluxFingers | 3684.000 | 29.169 | |
15 | AquaticRowers | 3616.000 | 28.418 | |
16 | flagbot | 3556.000 | 27.756 | |
17 | NUSHmallows | 3278.000 | 25.661 | |
18 | PwnProphecy | 3235.000 | 25.170 | |
19 | Mittwoch | 3057.000 | 23.793 | |
20 | purf3ct | 3024.000 | 23.408 | |
21 | NinjasAcademicos | 2965.000 | 22.865 | |
22 | upbhack | 2924.000 | 22.455 | |
23 | RWTHCTF | 2835.000 | 21.735 | |
24 | VTeam | 2804.000 | 21.414 | |
25 | WE_0WN_Y0U | 2594.000 | 19.901 | |
26 | CyberTaskForce Zero | 2526.000 | 19.349 | |
27 | neuland | 2360.000 | 18.146 | |
28 | pkucc | 2360.000 | 18.064 | |
29 | /mnt/ain | 2264.000 | 17.342 | |
30 | ⚔️TSJ⚔️ | 2225.000 | 17.009 | |
31 | Phish2Own | 2164.000 | 16.533 | |
32 | HgbSec | 2137.000 | 16.289 | |
33 | Cookie_storm | 2102.000 | 15.995 | |
34 | FTP | 2065.000 | 15.692 | |
35 | Laokoon SecurITy | 1982.000 | 15.082 | |
37 | DU4L | 1864.000 | 14.194 | |
38 | Th3_Order_Of_th3_pH0en1x | 1778.000 | 13.572 | |
39 | HM TheRedCube | 1622.000 | 12.483 | |
40 | spookies | 1586.000 | 12.201 | |
41 | Lilac | 1568.000 | 12.043 | |
42 | RumbleInTheJungle | 1518.000 | 11.671 | |
43 | Ninjas | 1440.000 | 11.113 | |
44 | Gab03t | 1373.000 | 10.630 | |
45 | mode13h | 1366.000 | 10.552 | |
46 | Hermes1320 | 1364.000 | 10.508 | |
47 | Akatsuki | 1304.000 | 10.077 | |
48 | EvilBunnyWrote | 1296.000 | 9.995 | |
49 | SPYxFamily | 1204.000 | 9.351 | |
50 | GRIS | 1162.000 | 9.044 | |
51 | TrashPandaWarriors | 1142.000 | 8.885 | |
52 | mizz_onreal_fg_jilf | 1078.000 | 8.432 | |
53 | pingCTF | 1059.000 | 8.282 | |
54 | tdr1 | 1046.000 | 8.173 | |
55 | httpwn | 1031.000 | 8.051 | |
56 | wubbel | 1022.000 | 7.971 | |
57 | offenburgers | 1018.000 | 7.924 | |
58 | DeltaHeap | 898.000 | 7.100 | |
59 | ARESx | 878.000 | 6.947 | |
60 | birds.exe | 878.000 | 6.930 | |
61 | Team-Groot | 878.000 | 6.913 | |
62 | /bad | 878.000 | 6.896 | |
63 | Vindicator | 874.000 | 6.854 | |
64 | Maple_Leaves | 824.000 | 6.503 | |
65 | FAUST | 824.000 | 6.488 | |
66 | f1rs7_7im3 | 824.000 | 6.473 | |
68 | dQw4w9WgXcQ | 800.000 | 6.284 | |
69 | c0d3br34k3r5 | 778.000 | 6.123 | |
70 | The_Umbrella_Group | 750.000 | 5.923 | |
71 | Security | 724.000 | 5.735 | |
72 | KMA.L3N0V0 | 718.000 | 5.683 | |
73 | Birkenwald | 697.000 | 5.530 | |
74 | team_pingu | 678.000 | 5.391 | |
75 | N30Z30N | 624.000 | 5.017 | |
76 | p0lygl0ts-1 | 624.000 | 5.006 | |
77 | SiBears | 600.000 | 4.835 | |
78 | TeamRocketIst | 600.000 | 4.824 | |
79 | idek | 600.000 | 4.814 | |
80 | Flaggermeister | 600.000 | 4.804 | |
81 | CYberMouflons | 600.000 | 4.795 | |
82 | P4ren | 600.000 | 4.786 | |
83 | 0ldman | 586.000 | 4.682 | |
84 | K-crashers | 578.000 | 4.620 | |
85 | Bordoverflow | 544.000 | 4.383 | |
86 | CcccC | 544.000 | 4.374 | |
87 | CyberSlacker | 524.000 | 4.232 | |
89 | STT | 524.000 | 4.216 | |
90 | DSUniPi | 518.000 | 4.168 | |
91 | uzumaki | 518.000 | 4.160 | |
92 | rabbitsthecat | 500.000 | 4.032 | |
93 | yachtclub\ | 500.000 | 4.025 | |
94 | phishing lvls? | 500.000 | 4.017 | |
95 | justme | 500.000 | 4.011 | |
96 | dcua | 444.000 | 3.628 | |
97 | b@Zj+at5g.34+rgCDost | 444.000 | 3.621 | |
98 | Radiv | 424.000 | 3.480 | |
99 | 87madsgang | 400.000 | 3.313 | |
100 | HatGuy | 400.000 | 3.306 | |
101 | xor_stor | 400.000 | 3.300 | |
102 | Vim Appreciation Society | 400.000 | 3.294 | |
103 | scot_ | 400.000 | 3.288 | |
104 | Emu Exploit | 400.000 | 3.282 | |
105 | Task_Hashed | 400.000 | 3.277 | |
106 | Shell_Shenanigans | 400.000 | 3.271 | |
107 | snocc | 400.000 | 3.266 | |
108 | NMSP | 400.000 | 3.260 | |
109 | ROIS | 324.000 | 2.745 | |
110 | nevivurn | 300.000 | 2.578 | |
111 | 1337B01S | 300.000 | 2.573 | |
112 | dfljdfkds | 300.000 | 2.568 | |
113 | Schnittlauch | 300.000 | 2.563 | |
114 | dczia | 300.000 | 2.559 | |
115 | 0xdeada1u5 | 300.000 | 2.554 | |
116 | S0l0N00b | 300.000 | 2.549 | |
117 | ZH3R0 | 300.000 | 2.545 | |
118 | KITCTFnewbies | 300.000 | 2.540 | |
119 | GZ | 300.000 | 2.536 | |
120 | superidol | 300.000 | 2.531 | |
121 | Mukyu~ | 300.000 | 2.527 | |
122 | DIG174L | 300.000 | 2.523 | |
123 | p0pc0rn | 300.000 | 2.519 | |
124 | PuzzlesWithNand | 300.000 | 2.515 | |
125 | Social Engineering Experts | 300.000 | 2.511 | |
126 | notbadguesser | 300.000 | 2.507 | |
127 | i'm down QQ | 300.000 | 2.503 | |
128 | zzril | 300.000 | 2.499 | |
129 | TheHive | 300.000 | 2.495 | |
130 | stAk | 300.000 | 2.492 | |
131 | Spider R&D | 300.000 | 2.488 | |
132 | KenG3n | 300.000 | 2.484 | |
133 | DragonSecSi | 300.000 | 2.481 | |
134 | Stallions | 300.000 | 2.477 | |
135 | SiliconBits | 300.000 | 2.474 | |
136 | youtiaos | 300.000 | 2.471 | |
137 | Federation | 300.000 | 2.467 | |
138 | MadGarlicKorean | 300.000 | 2.464 | |
139 | Royal Military Hackademy | 300.000 | 2.461 | |
140 | l33chers | 300.000 | 2.458 | |
141 | hahaha | 300.000 | 2.454 | |
142 | SanDieg0 | 244.000 | 2.075 | |
143 | 1111111 | 244.000 | 2.072 | |
144 | qweadsxzc | 200.000 | 1.774 | |
145 | CyberRivet | 200.000 | 1.771 | |
146 | Whatever | 200.000 | 1.768 | |
147 | kokoška | 200.000 | 1.765 | |
148 | Z0D1AC | 200.000 | 1.762 | |
149 | we get headers | 200.000 | 1.759 | |
150 | OnlyFeet | 200.000 | 1.756 | |
151 | mute_tea | 200.000 | 1.754 | |
152 | xisop | 200.000 | 1.751 | |
153 | | 200.000 | 1.748 | |
154 | damjan | 200.000 | 1.746 | |
155 | Neya | 200.000 | 1.743 | |
156 | cspe | 200.000 | 1.741 | |
157 | wzy | 200.000 | 1.738 | |
158 | Yefimov | 200.000 | 1.736 | |
159 | black tofu pirates | 200.000 | 1.733 | |
160 | 0x90erators | 200.000 | 1.731 | |
161 | RPCA Cyber Club | 200.000 | 1.728 | |
162 | FuzzyBears | 200.000 | 1.726 | |
163 | noraneco | 200.000 | 1.724 | |
164 | NYUSEC | 200.000 | 1.721 | |
165 | 3v3ryThing1sCTF | 200.000 | 1.719 | |
166 | lunch | 200.000 | 1.717 | |
167 | blanc.. | 200.000 | 1.714 | |
168 | darmads | 200.000 | 1.712 | |
169 | ackerman | 200.000 | 1.710 | |
170 | JHDiscord | 200.000 | 1.708 | |
171 | CRMA_Cyber_Club | 200.000 | 1.706 | |
172 | InfoSecIITR | 200.000 | 1.704 | |
173 | web_newbies | 200.000 | 1.702 | |
174 | Master | 200.000 | 1.699 | |
175 | qwerty | 200.000 | 1.697 | |
176 | fzhshzh | 200.000 | 1.695 | |
177 | quicklook | 200.000 | 1.693 | |
178 | Martial_Law_Enforcer | 200.000 | 1.691 | |
179 | kkkl | 200.000 | 1.690 | |
180 | T1r4m1sudo | 200.000 | 1.688 | |
181 | NIS | 200.000 | 1.686 | |
182 | Crow0501 | 200.000 | 1.684 | |
183 | marvin | 200.000 | 1.682 | |
184 | cyberaguiar | 200.000 | 1.680 | |
185 | Neptunians | 200.000 | 1.678 | |
186 | R04D_TO_0_P01NT | 200.000 | 1.676 | |
187 | Hacksimple | 200.000 | 1.675 | |
188 | TUW_Qz0cwgc | 100.000 | 1.001 | |
190 | betapctf | 100.000 | 0.998 | |
191 | Je_s_appelle_Root | 100.000 | 0.996 | |
192 | ByteSizedSword | 100.000 | 0.994 | |
193 | F.SE | 100.000 | 0.993 | |
194 | RedDr0p | 100.000 | 0.991 | |
195 | 御黔 | 100.000 | 0.990 | |
196 | JustC0pyPast | 100.000 | 0.988 | |
197 | ic2176 | 100.000 | 0.986 | |
198 | Section31 | 100.000 | 0.985 | |
199 | robots.txt | 100.000 | 0.983 | |
200 | rckwrtz | 100.000 | 0.982 | |
201 | bzh0xteam | 100.000 | 0.980 | |
202 | Pum41337 | 100.000 | 0.979 | |
203 | K&P - Kolbász és Palacsinta | 100.000 | 0.977 | |
204 | acdwas | 100.000 | 0.975 | |
205 | HectorHW | 100.000 | 0.974 | |
206 | TUCsec | 100.000 | 0.973 | |
207 | FFYYTT | 100.000 | 0.971 | |
208 | FuriousKittens | 100.000 | 0.970 | |
209 | None | 100.000 | 0.968 | |
210 | secsyst | 100.000 | 0.967 | |
211 | BlueTeam | 100.000 | 0.965 | |
212 | 1337B01S | 100.000 | 0.964 | |
213 | mood2root | 100.000 | 0.963 | |
214 | SorinSoft | 100.000 | 0.961 | |
215 | probers | 100.000 | 0.960 | |
216 | h4qz | 100.000 | 0.959 | |
217 | 22tango | 100.000 | 0.957 | |
218 | drdoctor | 100.000 | 0.956 | |
219 | LetzPwn | 100.000 | 0.955 | |
220 | Les_Terribles | 100.000 | 0.953 | |
221 | solobolo | 100.000 | 0.952 | |
222 | Purplepetrus | 100.000 | 0.951 | |
223 | Darkside | 100.000 | 0.950 | |
224 | V01dw4lk3rs | 100.000 | 0.948 | |
225 | YEP | 100.000 | 0.947 | |
226 | FR13NDS.TEAM | 100.000 | 0.946 | |
227 | TheB-Team | 100.000 | 0.945 | |
228 | Fulminati | 100.000 | 0.944 | |
229 | ButterDragons | 100.000 | 0.942 | |
230 | Mary_Poppins_Shell | 100.000 | 0.941 | |
231 | Azure Assassin Alliance | 100.000 | 0.940 | |
232 | yogdzewa | 100.000 | 0.939 | |
233 | KMA.B1Qu4M@n | 100.000 | 0.938 | |
234 | Keraon | 100.000 | 0.937 | |
235 | farmingsimulator | 100.000 | 0.935 | |
236 | McPayload | 100.000 | 0.934 | |
237 | betameta | 100.000 | 0.933 | |
238 | Yu4n | 100.000 | 0.932 | |
239 | tang | 100.000 | 0.931 | |
240 | KMA.lostQ | 100.000 | 0.930 | |
241 | BUBBLE_OREO | 100.000 | 0.929 | |
242 | roloroll | 100.000 | 0.928 | |
243 | CyberSpace | 100.000 | 0.927 | |
244 | d4rkn19ht | 100.000 | 0.926 | |
245 | CCSClub | 100.000 | 0.925 | |
246 | Musiciancat | 100.000 | 0.924 | |
247 | 123 | 100.000 | 0.923 | |
248 | cher42 | 100.000 | 0.922 | |
249 | SUSH1st | 100.000 | 0.921 | |
250 | hcf | 100.000 | 0.920 | |
251 | LeoNeu | 100.000 | 0.919 | |
252 | blah@j_l0ve | 100.000 | 0.918 | |
253 | pymi | 100.000 | 0.917 | |
254 | ECSCTeamGreece | 100.000 | 0.916 | |
255 | Xoxoxo | 100.000 | 0.915 | |
256 | 重音猛男 | 100.000 | 0.914 | |
257 | loladmin | 100.000 | 0.913 | |
258 | Blue | 100.000 | 0.912 | |
259 | Zeukortus | 100.000 | 0.911 | |
260 | nulled1337 | 100.000 | 0.455 | |
261 | htu clowns | 100.000 | 0.455 | |
262 | putins_team | 100.000 | 0.454 | |
263 | 1x0x2 | 100.000 | 0.454 | |
264 | BlueLentil | 100.000 | 0.453 |
thanks to the team for organizing this! we had a great time :)