Rating: 5.0
# coconut
## Main (200 pts) — 41 solves
* Just for fun XD.
#!/usr/bin/env python
from pwn import *
# PCTF{Y0u_Just_Imp!em3nt3D_A_LLVM_pass!}
host , port = 'coconut.chal.pwning.xxx' , 6817
y = remote( host , port )
while True:
y.recvuntil( '<= ' )
th = int( y.recvline()[:-1] )
y.recvuntil( 'ze:' )
s = y.recvuntil( 'ret' ).split( '\n' )
y.recvuntil( '>=' )
a = int( y.recvuntil( ' ' )[:-1] )
y.recvuntil( '<=' )
b = int( y.recvuntil( ':' )[:-1] )
ans = []
p = []
p.append( s[b].split( '\t' )[2].split( ', ' )[0] )
for i in range( b - 1 , a - 1 , -1 ):
c = s[i].split( '\t' )
arg = c[2].split( ', ' )
if c[1] == 'notl' and arg[0] not in p:
ans.append( int( c[0] ) )
if c[1] == 'notl':
if arg[1] in p:
if c[1] == 'leal':
l1 , l2 = arg[0][1:-1].split(',')[0].replace( 'r' , 'e' ) , arg[0][1:-1].split(',')[1].replace( 'r' , 'e' )
if l1 not in p:
p.append( l1 )
if l2 not in p:
p.append( l2 )
if l1 != arg[1] and l2 != arg[1]:
del p[ p.index( arg[1] ) ]
if arg[0] not in p:
p.append( arg[0] )
if c[1] == 'movl':
del p[ p.index( arg[1] ) ]
ans.append( int( c[0] ) )
t = 0
c = 0
d = ''
for i in ans:
if i - t > 1 and t:
d += str( t ) + '\n'
c = 0
elif t:
if not c:
d += str( t ) + '-'
c = 1
t = i
d += str( ans[-1] ) + '\n'
y.send( d + '#\n' )