Rating: 4.0
> baby C
> This [babyc](https://0xd13a.github.io/ctfs/asis2018/babyc/babyc.tar.xz) needed swaddling!
> flag is ASIS{sha1(input[:14])}
We are supplied with an executable that asks for a string and then responds with a ```Wrong!``` or ```Correct :)```:
$ ./babyc
Let's load it into IDA Pro. The code is a long sequence of ```MOV``` statements, so it's likely protected by [Movfuscator](https://github.com/xoreaxeaxeax/movfuscator):
.text:0804838A mov word ptr dword_81F5FF8, dx
.text:08048391 mov dword_81F5FFE+2, edx
.text:08048397 mov ax, word ptr dword_81F5FF0+2
.text:0804839D mov cx, word ptr dword_81F5FF4+2
.text:080483A4 mov edx, off_8060F30[eax*4]
.text:080483AB mov edx, [edx+ecx*4]
.text:080483AE mov cx, word_81F6002
.text:080483B5 mov edx, off_8060F30[edx*4]
.text:080483BC mov edx, [edx+ecx*4]
.text:080483BF mov word ptr dword_81F5FF8+2, dx
.text:080483C6 mov dword_81F5FFE+2, edx
.text:080483CC mov eax, dword_81F5FF8
.text:080483D1 mov eax, eax
.text:080483D3 mov dword_81F6110, eax
.text:080483D8 mov eax, offset off_83F6130
.text:080483DD mov edx, dword_83F6158
Running [demovfuscator](https://github.com/kirschju/demovfuscator) over it helps clean up the code a little bit. Let's take a closer look at the updated code and debug the executable.
A few things become apparent:
* String at position ```3``` is expected to be ```m0vfu3c4t0r!```
.text:0804933D mov eax, offset aM0vfu3c4t0r ; "m0vfu3c4t0r!"
.text:08049552 mov dword_83F6174, eax
.text:08049557 mov eax, off_83F6170[edx*4]
.text:0804955E mov edx, dword_81F6110
.text:08049564 mov [eax], edx
.text:08049566 mov esp, off_83F6130
.text:0804956C mov dword_85F61C4, offset _strncmp
.text:08049576 mov eax, 1
.text:0804957B jmp sub_8048290
* First 3 characters are expected to be ```Ah_```
.text:080498DB mov dword_804D058, 41h ; 'A'
.text:08049C05 mov dword_804D058, 68h ; 'h'
.text:08049F2F mov dword_804D058, 5Fh ; '_'
* String at position ```19``` is expected to be ```0y1ng:(``` (that string is built on the fly):
.text:0804A3FB mov dword_83F6174, eax
.text:0804A400 mov eax, off_83F6170[edx*4]
.text:0804A407 mov edx, dword_81F6110
.text:0804A40D mov [eax], edx
.text:0804A40F mov esp, off_83F6130
.text:0804A415 mov dword_85F61C4, offset _strncmp
.text:0804A41F mov eax, 1
.text:0804A424 jmp sub_8048290
* Finally the 4 characters at position ```17``` are expected to be ```nn0y```:
.text:0804A7BD mov dword_804D058, 79306E6Eh ; 'nn0y'
When we put all these requirements together the expected string turns out to be ```Ah_m0vfu3c4t0r!..nn0y1ng:(``` (the 2 periods in the middle are not checked and can be anything):
$ ./babyc
Correct :)
The flag is the SHA1 of the first ```14``` characters: ```ASIS{574a1ebc69c34903a4631820f292d11fcd41b906}```