Tags: misc recon
# Nini (40 PTS)
### Description
>What is the most important prize she honored?
>The flag is SharifCTF{MD5(lowercase(Prize name))}.
Flag: ```SharifCTF{537cd12c5f65d15dd11cc5d7f27127a8}```
### Files
- [Nini.jpg](https://github.com/VoidHack/write-ups/blob/master/SharifCTF%208/misc/nini/Nini.jpg)
### Solution
It looks like a recon task, so... Google is our assistant.
Great! But I don't know what language is it, so maybe Google also knows a translation?
Maryam Mirzakhani and her husband
He actually knows! (not expected huh?)
It's time for Wikipedia now. What does it say?
#### Awards and honors:
- Gold medal. International Mathematical Olympiad (Hong Kong 1994)
- Gold medal. International Mathematical Olympiad (Canada 1995)
- IPM Fellowship, Tehran, Iran, 1995–1999
- Merit fellowship Harvard University, 2003
- Harvard Junior Fellowship Harvard University, 2003
- Clay Mathematics Institute Research Fellow 2004
- AMS Blumenthal Award 2009
- Invited to talk at the International Congress of Mathematicians in 2010
- The 2013 AMS Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize in Mathematics
- Simons Investigator Award 2013
- Named one of Nature magazine's ten "people who mattered" of 2014
- Clay Research Award 2014
- Plenary speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM 2014)
- Fields Medal 2014
- Elected foreign associate to the French Academy of Sciences in 2015
- Elected to the American Philosophical Society in 2015
- National Academy of Sciences 2016
- Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2017
You can try it all or just pick ```Fields Medal 2014``` ;)
So, according on description we can construct the flag!
SharifCTF{md5(fields medal)}