Rating: 5.0
> 150
> Fifteen Puzzle
> You are given 128 puzzles (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/15_puzzle)
> The ith puzzle determines the ith bit of the flag:
> * 1 if the puzzle is soluble
> * 0 if the puzzle is unsoluble
> Implement is_soluble() below, and use the code to get the flag!
> def is_soluble(i):
> return 0
> flag = ' '
> for i in range(128):
> flag = ('1' if is_soluble(i) else '0') + flag
> print('SharifCTF{%016x}' % int(flag, 2))
> [Download](https://0xd13a.github.io/ctfs/sharif2018/fifteen-puzzle/puzzles.txt)
This was a fairly easy problem to solve, but the right flag took forever to submit. What I believe was happening is the bits on the flag in the system were inverted, but the admins were adamant that everything was correct. :) Whatever, all is well that ends well.
There are many algorithms available on the Web that implement solvability for 15 Puzzle. We can take the one from [here](https://github.com/BrunoGomesCoelho/15-puzzle-problem/blob/master/utils.py) and modify it.
Let's add the code to parse the file to it and we are done:
N = 4
def isSolvable(array):
inversions = 0
for i in range(N*N-1):
for j in range(i+1, N*N):
if array[i] != 0 and array[j] != 0 and array[i] > array[j]:
inversions += 1
zero_pos = -1
for i in range(N*N):
if array[i] == 0:
zero_pos = i / N
return (zero_pos % 2 == 0 and inversions % 2 == 1) or (zero_pos % 2 == 1 and inversions % 2 == 0)
flag = ""
puzzle = []
for x in open("puzzles.txt","r").readlines():
# parse values into an array
if x[0] == '|':
values = x.split('|')[1:5]
for i in range(N):
val = values[i].strip()
if len(val) == 0:
if len(puzzle) == N*N:
# we are inverting bits here to make the flag what the organizers expect :)
flag = ('0' if isSolvable(puzzle) else '1') + flag
puzzle = []
# the format mask needs to be %032x instead of %016x
print 'SharifCTF{%032x}' % int(flag, 2)
The flag is ```SharifCTF{52d3b36b2167d2076b06d8101582b7af}```.