Tags: crypto
> Is it possible to have privacy on these days? The Rebelious Fingers do not think so. Get the flag.
> nc 9999
Right off the bat we know this has something to do with differential privacy (Such a surprise!) and we have a server so lets connect to it.
> Hello, chose an option:
> [1] Info
> [2] Query the flag (in ASCII)
> [3] Quit
Basic menu, lets see the options.
> 1
> You can query the flag, but the characters are private (indistinguishable).
> Differential privacy mechanism: Laplace
> Sensitivity: ||125 - 45|| = 80
> Epsilon: 6.5
> 2
> [85, 89, 108, -16, 78, 67, 123, 61, 110, 96, 103, 85, 107, 116, 122, 130, 96, 83, 108, 136, 100, 94, 103, 90, 117, 102, 73, 118, 118, 112, 112, 105, 101, 110, 143, 103, 75]
Mhm, well not sure what to do with this yet. I don't really know much about differential privacy, so let's research. Differential privacy is used to encode data in such a way that you can't discern any single persons input while keeping the actual statistical findings of the data intact. It does this by adding a Laplace random number set by some parameters to the value. Because the average of the Laplace function is 0, the average of the data set stays about the same.
At this point, I was at a loss. I would work on some other problems and come back to this one now and then. Then I noticed that the query values change on successive connections. Because the center of the Laplace function is 0, if you take the average of a lot of different encodings, it should be the original value! Python time!
from pwn import *
import ast
host = ""
port = 9999
#This is the ammount of values to keep after throwing out the largest and smallest values.
#[100,50,10,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,-10,-50,-100] will keep [7,6,5,4,3,2,1]
sample = 7
def get_list():
#get a new data set from the server
#turn it into a list
conn = remote(host,port)
data = ast.literal_eval(conn.recvline().decode().strip())
return data
gotten = None
while True:
d = get_list()
if not gotten:
#initialize the gotten array if it hasn't been
gotten = [[] for j in d]
for j,v in enumerate(d):
#add each new value to the corresponding sub-array
if len(gotten[0]) > sample + 1:
#After we've gotten enough data
r = max([1,int((len(gotten[0])-sample)/2)])
for vals in gotten:
#For each character, sort it's values and average the sample
work = vals[:]
work = sorted(work)[r:-r]
print(chr(int(round(sum(work)/len(work)))), end="")
print(" ", len(gotten[0]))
Running this code will print out an estimate of the correct string after each 'download.' After 20 updates, the output is something like this
> FTK*>VzHY_m\`qxqu\lpmtbqmpd]xdf\nqesd|
This makes almost no sense, so lets make a bigger data set.
After 400 updates, it's looking a bit better
> CSF-BR{H\`am_jtut_filserjng\`uie^npird}
General flag structure is there, and maybe the beginnings of some words.
Let's keep going. 1622 updates later we get
> CTF-BR{I_am_jtst_filtering_the_noise}
Only one incomplete word! Looks like it's probably "just" let's try that! It worked!
> CTF-BR{I_am_just_filtering_the_noise}