Rating: 3.0
Implementing an algorithm for calculating resistances between two arbitrary points on a circuit board seems like a complex problem to solve in a short period of time. Luckily, [someone already solved it](https://gist.github.com/aelguindy/1747940) (and in Python too!) :-) The only thing that is left is to add scaffolding that parses the inputs, and collects and returns the answers:
# portion of the code "borrowed" from https://gist.github.com/aelguindy/1747940
import ssl, socket
def gauss_jordan(m, eps = 1.0/(10**10)):
"""Puts given matrix (2D array) into the Reduced Row Echelon Form.
Returns True if successful, False if 'm' is singular.
NOTE: make sure all the matrix items support fractions! Int matrix will NOT work!
Written by Jarno Elonen in April 2005, released into Public Domain"""
(h, w) = (len(m), len(m[0]))
for y in range(0,h):
maxrow = y
for y2 in range(y+1, h): # Find max pivot
if abs(m[y2][y]) > abs(m[maxrow][y]):
maxrow = y2
(m[y], m[maxrow]) = (m[maxrow], m[y])
if abs(m[y][y]) <= eps: # Singular?
return False
for y2 in range(y+1, h): # Eliminate column y
c = m[y2][y] / m[y][y]
for x in range(y, w):
m[y2][x] -= m[y][x] * c
for y in range(h-1, 0-1, -1): # Backsubstitute
c = m[y][y]
for y2 in range(0,y):
for x in range(w-1, y-1, -1):
m[y2][x] -= m[y][x] * m[y2][y] / c
m[y][y] /= c
for x in range(h, w): # Normalize row y
m[y][x] /= c
return True
def preprocess(edges, V):
lists = []
for i in range(V): lists.append([])
for fro, to, res in edges:
lists[fro].append((to, res))
lists[to].append((fro, res))
return lists
def make_eqns(lists, node1, node2):
coeffs = []
Vars = len(lists)
for i, l in enumerate(lists):
cs = [0.0]*Vars
cs[i] = sum(1/b for (a, b) in l)
for other, res in l:
cs[other] -= 1.0/res
rhs = [0] * Vars
rhs[node1] = 1.0
rhs[node2] = -1.0
n = max(node1, node2)
coeffs = [c[:n] + c[n + 1:] for c in coeffs]
return coeffs[:-1], rhs[:-1]
def calculate_resistance(nodes, edges, source, destination):
src = source
dst = destination
ls = preprocess(edges, nodes)
a, b = make_eqns(ls, src, dst)
M = [a[i] + [b[i]] for i in range(len(a))]
return abs(M[min(src, dst)][-1])
class Connect(object):
def __init__(self, host, port):
self.context = ssl.create_default_context()
self.conn = self.context.wrap_socket(
self.conn.connect((host, port))
self.f = self.conn.makefile('rwb', 0)
def __enter__(self):
return self.f
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
dim = 0
conns = []
results = []
with Connect('programming.pwn2win.party', 9001) as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
tuple = line.split()
print line
# parse resistances
if len(tuple) == 3:
conn = (int(tuple[0])-1,int(tuple[1])-1,float(tuple[2]))
if conn[0]+1 > dim:
dim = conn[0]+1
if conn[1]+1 > dim:
dim = conn[1]+1
# parse paths
if len(tuple) == 2:
start = int(tuple[0])-1
end = int(tuple[1])-1
if start == end:
# resistance from point to itself is 0
val = 0
val = calculate_resistance(dim, conns, start, end)
if line == "":
print "-end of data-"
for x in results:
val = "%.3f" % x
f.write(('%s\n' % val).encode('utf-8'))
print val
dim = 0
conns = []
results = []
The flag is ```CTF-BR{Us1n6_R3s1S73NCe_d1s7AnCe_15_3x7R3Me1y_us3ful1_in_p8ysIC5}```