<h1>Dig Dug</h1>
Category: Web Warm-up
The pot calling the kettle black.
the link provided https://digx.asisctf.com/ is a static page with image included (dig-tool.jpg)
with a text :
If you want to know what is dig, you should consider that dig stands for domain information groper.
Thank you for seeing our digs.
so the idea is to use Domain Information Groper (DIG) i used dnsdumpster which an online DNS Digger (service)
the querry answer was an url in the A record

which is
after visiting the URL we find a simple message :

and in the source code we can see a JS file included (but obfuscated)

so all we have to do is to decode the JS and we search for ASIS{
and the flag was :