
# Wanna Buy A Flag?
## Challenge: Analyse this Network capure to get the flag.

To get the flag, we can open the .pcap with Wireshark and follow the TCP stream.



Then actually save you some time by `echo`ing the copied text into a file; like `echo "Copied text" > pastebin.txt`.

And finally, use `tr` with `-d` to delete newline characters:

-$ cat pastebin.txt | tr -d '\n'
Hello! Wanna buy a flag?Yes pleaseOk, but it will cost you some timeflag{f08574923ec9c9ffb47188e6edc1a20f}%

Original writeup (https://github.com/pwilthew/CTF-Write-Ups/tree/master/SHA2017CTF-Junior/WannaBuyAFlag).