# Re2 : C++ is fun: [100]
So you get a binary when running it you get a message to enter the flag. When entering somthing wrong it tells you to try again. However, since I know that the flag starts with "ALEXCTF{" I trief that and got the message "You should have the flag by now" then I thought that the original code might look somthing like this
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
int main () {
string flag="....";
string input;
cout << "Your flag: ";
cin >> input;
if (!flag.compare(0, input.size(), input))
cout<< "You should have the flag by now\n";
return 0;
Now I can try to bruteforce it by writing a small python script as following:
import os
bin="~/Downloads/re2 ";
while "}" not in flag:
for c in char_set:
p = os.popen(bin+flag_test,"r")
line = p.readline()
if "flag" in line:
print flag
By running this script I got the flag `ALEXCTF{W3_L0v3_C_W1th_CL45535}`