Rating: 5.0
# Best RSA (crypto 250)
## Theorem and Lemma
1. Euler's theorem:
The theorem gives that a ^ phi(n) = 1 mod n
Where phi is Euler's totient function and this function holds a property that phi(p*q) = phi(p) * phi(q) if p | q
2. Chinese Remainder Theorem
a^d mod n can be calculated seperately on n's factors.
We've got a huge n but ends with 5. It's really uncommon because n should be the product of two large primes. As a result, I try to find out its prime factors under 65538 and fortunately n only has prime factors under 251. According to Euler's theorem, we can calculate private key "d" by finding the inverse of e under phi(n). After we get d, the only thing we need to do is to find out c^d mod n. Directly, it cannot be solved, but we can break n down to p<sub>1</sub><sup>k<sub>1</sub></sup>... by Chinese Remainder Theorem. Notice that d is very large, but under moduler of p<sub>m</sub><sup>k<sub>m</sub></sup> we can actually calculate c^(d mod phi(p<sub>m</sub><sup>k<sub>m</sub></sup>)) instead. It takes around three minutes to solve with simple implementation.
``` python
import sympy
import os
def inv(x, m):
return sympy.invert(x, m)
def crt_speedup_decrypt(cipher_text, private_key, primes, count_of_primes, n):
plain_text = 0
for p, count in zip(primes, count_of_primes):
m = p ** count
phi_m = (p ** (count - 1)) * (p - 1)
c = cipher_text % m
remainder = pow(c, private_key % phi_m, m)
M = n // m
M_inv = inv(M, m)
plain_text = (plain_text + remainder * M * M_inv) % n
return plain_text
def get_prime_under(n):
primes = [2]
for i in range(3, n):
sqrt = i ** (0.5)
for p in primes:
if p <= sqrt:
if i % p == 0:
return primes
def prime_factorize(n):
primes = get_prime_under(65538)
count = [0] * len(primes)
for idx in range(len(primes)):
while n % primes[idx] == 0 and n != 1:
count[idx] += 1
n = n // primes[idx]
return primes, count, n
def phi_function(primes, count_of_primes):
phi = 1
for (p, c) in zip(primes, count_of_primes):
phi = phi * ((p ** (c - 1)) * (p - 1))
return phi
def main():
with open('best_rsa.txt') as fp:
data = [line.strip().split(' = ')[1] for line in fp]
e = int(data[0])
n = int(data[1])
cipher_text = int(data[2])
print('calculate prime factors')
primes, count_of_primes, rest = prime_factorize(n)
new_primes, new_count = [], []
# output prime factors
print('prime factors')
for p, c in zip(primes, count_of_primes):
if c > 0:
print(p, ':', c)
print('rest: ', rest)
primes, count_of_primes = new_primes, new_count
print('calculate private key')
phi_n = phi_function(primes, count_of_primes)
private_key = int(inv(e, phi_n))
print('decrypt plain text')
plain_text = crt_speedup_decrypt(cipher_text, private_key, primes, count_of_primes, n)
with open('flag', 'w') as fp:
os.system('xxd -r -ps flag > flag.gif')
if __name__ == '__main__':