#!/usr/bin/env python3
import struct
import zlib
# Daytonaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!
# by iggy
# 200 points
# Never look down and go ahead !
# sha1sum : 0561a37c09185f55baac1dd475adbca8d0cc0984
# File available here: https://i.imgur.com/6BtRzsa.png
# $ file 1479482698.53_daytona.png
# 1479482698.53_daytona.png: PNG image data, 940 x 663, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced
# nothing appeared abnormal in the PNG file format
# or in the pixels, so digging deeper in the PNG data:
f=open('1479482698.53_daytona.png', 'rb')
_ = f.read(8)
idat = b''
while (True):
l, = struct.unpack(">I", f.read(4))
t = f.read(4)
d = f.read(l)
_ = f.read(4)
if t == b"IDAT":
if t == b"IEND":
print("got", len(data))
print("expected", (940*4+1)*663)
print("expected height", len(data)/(940*4+1))
# Solution:
# * patch image height in the IHDR (replace 0x0297 by 0x02b0)
# * fix IHDR CRC (replace 0x81f1c79e by 0x9c58f210)
# * profit -> https://i.imgur.com/vSZN4cT.png
# Flag:
# GH16{Was_a_f**k_damn_great_game_!}