Tags: ssti caddy mtls
# Ez ⛳ v3
mTLS can only be applied during the TLS handshake, so by setting Server Name Indication (SNI) to `public.caddy.chal-kalmarc.tf` no `client_auth` is enforced while making the TLS connection. Afterwards we set the `Host` header to ` private.caddy.chal-kalmarc.tf` so the wrong server is selected. Note: this only works because `strict_sni_host`-checking is turned off (props to Caddy for rightfully calling this option `insecure_off`!).
When accessing the private server a bunch of tools are available. The `/fetch/` feature give us a kinda SSRF primitive, but we can't request `/flag` due to the `denied2` check.
But `/fetch/` is using `httpInclude` which [weirdly does another server-side rendering i.e. SSTI](https://github.com/caddyserver/caddy/blob/d57ab215a2f198a465ea33abe4588bb5696e7abd/modules/caddyhttp/templates/tplcontext.go#L211). We need to reflect something in the body of the `/fetch/` call to trigger the SSTI - which is exactly what `/headers` does (reflect our initial headers). Note that `mustToPrettyJson` will jsonify the reflected headers, so we can't use quotes (`"` and `'`), but we can use a backtick ``` ` ``` which will be unescaped in the JSON output.
## PoC
curl -sk 'https://public.caddy.chal-kalmarc.tf/fetch/headers' -H 'Host: private.caddy.chal-kalmarc.tf' -H 'Anything: {{ env `FLAG` }}'