The method to solve this is pretty straightforward (provided by Warri and implemented by Maximxls):
- implement the speckcipher operation in c/cpp using external library or otherwise
- ncat server, get encrypted flag, and encrypted 00000000, 00000001. Maybe get more such data points
- xor encrypted parts to eliminate k2 netting us F(k1^m0) ^ F(k1^m1) with known m0, m1
- in c/cpp, brute all 2*32 possible k1 values (i assume python is too slow for us rn)
once we recover the right k1 we can recover the right k2 letting us decrypt the encrypted flag
from pwn import *
from speck import SpeckCipher
cipher = SpeckCipher(0x0123456789abcdef, key_size = 64, block_size = 32)
pi = remote("", 5033)
enc = bytes.fromhex(pi.recvline().decode())
pi.sendlineafter("> ", "00000000")
enc0 = pi.recvline().decode()
pi.sendlineafter("> ", "00000001")
k1 = int(input("> "), 16)
k2 = (int(enc0, 16) ^ cipher.encrypt(k1)).to_bytes(4, byteorder = 'big')
k1 = k1.to_bytes(4, byteorder = 'big')
def F(block : bytes):
return SpeckCipher(0x0123456789abcdef, key_size = 64, block_size = 32).decrypt(int.from_bytes(block, byteorder = 'big')).to_bytes(4, byteorder = 'big')
flag = b''.join(xor(k1, F(xor(enc[4*i:4*i+4], k2))) for i in range(len(enc) // 4))
This prints the results for 00000000 and 00000001
We input the key, one sample is enough when we search exhaustively.