Tags: web 


# Arclbroth Writeup

**Team: M4j4nDyn4sty**

![Challenge Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alnaamaniahmed/CTF-writeups/main/LACTF2025/Web/arclbroth/challenge.png)
## Overview

Arclbroth is a web-game-based challenge where your objective is to brew a flag using "arcs" as your currency. Regular users start with just 10 arcs which is too few to meet the 50-arc threshold required to brew the flag while the admin account is automatically granted 100 arcs. Normally, the username "admin" is reserved and protected against duplicate registrations. However, by exploiting a null byte injection vulnerability during registration, I managed to bypass this restriction and register as the admin then voila I got the flag :)

## Vulnerability

**Null Byte Injection in Registration:** By injecting a null byte into the username, I was able to bypass the duplicate check.

## Exploitation

1. **Intercepting the Registration Request:**

I used Burp Suite to intercept the registration request. I attempted to register with the following credentials:

- **Username:** `admin\u0000hax`
- **Password:** `password`

I noticed that the website automatically added an extra escape character, changing the username to `admin\\u0000hax`

![Intercepting the Registration Request Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alnaamaniahmed/CTF-writeups/main/LACTF2025/Web/arclbroth/exploit1.png)

2. **Correcting the Payload:**

Before forwarding the request, I edited the payload back to:

{"username": "admin\u0000hax", "password": "password"}

![Correcting the Payload Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alnaamaniahmed/CTF-writeups/main/LACTF2025/Web/arclbroth/requestModification.png)

3. **Logging in as Admin:**

After registering with the credentials above, the server processed the username as admin (since SQLite stops at the null byte), then I was logged in as admin and granted 100 arcs.

![Logging in as Admin Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alnaamaniahmed/CTF-writeups/main/LACTF2025/Web/arclbroth/100_arcs.png)

4. **Brewing the flag:**

Finally, I clicked the "brew" button. With 100 arcs available, the system deducted 50 arcs and returned the flag in the response:

![Brewing the Flag Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alnaamaniahmed/CTF-writeups/main/LACTF2025/Web/arclbroth/flagPic.png)

Sincerely yours (Aura 10000+),

**Ahmed Al-Naamani (C00k1eSn4tch3r)**

Original writeup (https://github.com/alnaamaniahmed/CTF-writeups/blob/main/LACTF2025/Web/arclbroth/arclbroth.md).