
We can open up the binary in ida and find a function which seems to get some registry key values. After that's done, it passes that info on to a suspicious looking function which seems to be running some sort of decryption. Porting that decryption function over to python and running it on the encrypted file gives us a jpg of the flag

FILENAME = "data.bin"

with open(FILENAME, "rb") as f:
data = f.read()

def r8(offset):
return data[offset]

def r16(offset):
return int.from_bytes(data[offset:offset+2], 'little')

c = 0
cur_offset = 4
decrypted = bytearray()

while cur_offset < len(data):
if c == 0:
val = r16(cur_offset)
cur_offset += 2
c = 16

if (val & 1) != 0:
v8 = (r8(cur_offset) & 0xf0) << 4
v7 = (r8(cur_offset) & 0xf) + 1
v9 = v8 + r8(cur_offset + 1)
cur_offset += 2
assert len(decrypted) > v9, f"{len(decrypted) = } {v9 = :#x} {decrypted = }"

pos = len(decrypted) - v9
for i in range(v7):
decrypted.append(decrypted[pos + i])
cur_offset += 1

val >>= 1
c -= 1

with open("dec.bin", "wb") as f:

Original writeup (https://hackmd.io/@Jm6TApV6RIqYGkPXof9GJA/BkNKejftkl#backtrack).