
Starting off i patched the binary

We can see that all protections are enabled
Running the binary shows this menu like option

We can assume this is probably going to be a heap exploitation
I loaded it up in IDA and here's the main function

The binary isn't striped so there's no need for reversing much here
I'll walkthrough the important details of what each function does

- This function essentially leaks a stack address, so let's keep that in mind

- We can only make up to 16 allocations
- We control the size of the memory to be allocated

- This is used to edit the content of the memory stored in the global allocations variable at the specified index

- Prints the content of the memory at the specified index of the allocations variable

- Used for memory deallocation
- It doesn't set the memory freed to null so a UAF is possible
Based on what we've gathered so far, this is just a standard heap exploitation and the vulnerability is a UAF
Which we will leverage that to get code execution
We are working with glibc 2.36

So that version has safe linking enabled and no hooks, but because we have a stack leak we can write over main return addres our ropchain
Since this uses the tcache bin we will leverage a UAF to perform tcache poisoning but for that we need to get a heap leak in order to break the safe linking mechanism
Our step is as follow:
- Leak libc & heap
- Corrupt tcache->next to get overlapping chunk to the stack address
- Write ropchain on stack
- Leave program to trigger ropchain
For getting a libc leak we can easily take advantage of the fact that we control the size of the memory to be allocated
Just simply allocate a chunk that's greater than the size the tcache bin can hold `1032 bytes` then on freeing it, the chunk will be placed in the unsorted bin
And since the unsorted bin fd/bk will be pointing to the main_arena struct (during it's first use) we can read that and essentially get a libc leak
To get a heap leak, we just free a chunk that will be placed in the tcache bin, that way it's fd will point to a heap address
One other thing we need to handle is tcache misaligned chunk check, the stack return address of the main function isn't alligned so we just subtract it by 8 to make it alligned
And with that we're set to go
Here's my [exploit](https://github.com/h4ckyou/h4ckyou.github.io/blob/main/posts/ctf/nullcon25/Hateful%202/solve.py)

Running it works remotely

Flag: ENO{W3_4R3_50RRY_4G41N_TH4T_TH3_M3554G3_W45_N0T_53NT_T0_TH3_R1GHT_3M41L}