Tags: caesar 


some automated bruteforce with manual

import string
import re

text = "AtvDxK lAopjz /i + vhw c6 uwnshnuqjx ymfy kymhi Kyv 47+3l/eh Bs kpfkxkfwcnu Als 9phdgj9 +ka ymzuBGxmFq 6fdglk8i CICDowC, sjxir bjme+pfwfkd 6li=fj=kp, nCplEtGtEJ, lyo qeb INKLNBM vm ademb7697. ollqba lq DitCmA xzhm fx ef7dd7ii, wIvv eggiww GB kphqtocvkqp, 3d6 MAx ilsplm /d rpfkd vnloov hc nruwtAj xDxyjrx vexliv KyrE +3hc Gurz, jcemgt ixlmgw 9f7gmj5/9k obpmlkpf/ib mzp 8k/=64c ECo sj qb=eklildv. =k loGznlEpD qzC qo+kpm+obk=v, vHEEtuHKtMBHG, huk h7if75j/d9 mofs+=v, zkloh lqAkwCzioqvo rfqnhntzx fhynAnynjx b/a7 JKvrCzEx hexe BE ecwukpi 63c397. MAxLx wypujpwslz 3/c ql irvwhu 9bbcj1h9cb fsi f tswmxmzi zDGrtK ed FBpvrGL vjtqwij ixlmgep 5f8 =lkpqor=qfsb tmowuzs."
chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "+/="
regex = re.compile("[" + chars + "]{5,70}")

def caesar(msg, shift):
# return "".join(chars[(chars.index(c) + shift) % len(chars)] for c in msg)
res = ""
for i in msg:
if i in chars:
res += chars[(chars.index(i) + shift) % len(chars)]
res += i
return res

words = []
i = 0
count = 0
while i < len(text):
if text[i] not in chars:
i += 1
j = i
while text[j] in chars:
j += 1
i = j

for p in range(len(words)):
key = chars.index("t")
a = caesar(words[p],-key)
key = chars.index("h")
a = caesar(words[p], -key)
for p in range(0,39):
print(f"p = {p}")
s = ""
for q in range(p,len(words),39):
s += words[q] + " "
for x in range(len(chars)):
a = caesar(s, -x)
ok = True
for b in a:
if b not in string.ascii_lowercase + " ":
ok = False
if ok:
print(chars[x], a)