Tags: md5 web crypto
### Explanation
We have this code that generates our "secure session" strings. So, we need to put attention to this string:
```mt_srand(intval(bin2hex($SEEDS[md5($id)[0] % (count($SEEDS))]),16));```.
We can see that ```mt_srand``` function uses special seed for pseudo-random numbers generation. So, if we can discover the seed, we can recreate our session generator.
[!] Also, we should use PHP for our generator, because of special realization of [Mersenne Twister](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mersenne_Twister) algorithm in PHP. I tried to recreate this generator in Python, but even with the same seed, output was different.
Let's look at our mt_srand function.
We should notice, that ```$SEEDS = str_split($FLAG, 4);``` is an array of 4-symbol strings of our flag. ```$id``` is a concatenated string of login and password.
```md5($id)[0]``` returns first symbol of MD5-hash (hex-like) of our string. So, ```0 <= md5($id)[0] <= 15```. We can use it to generate credentials for every MD5 value (just because we can't manipulate ```count($SEEDS)``` variable and it's the only way to get various parts of flag). So, let's generate credentials:
import hashlib
ALPHA = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-"
# weird generator, but anyway
def find_creds_with_target_md5(md5):
for a in ALPHA:
for b in ALPHA:
for c in ALPHA:
for d in ALPHA:
for a1 in ALPHA:
for b1 in ALPHA:
for c1 in ALPHA:
for d1 in ALPHA:
md5_hash = hashlib.md5(f"{a}{b}{c}{d}{a1}{b1}{c1}{d1}".encode()).hexdigest()
if int(md5_hash[0], 16) == md5:
print(f"FOUND FOR MD5 = {md5}: {a}{b}{c}{d} . {a1}{b1}{c1}{d1}")
FOUND FOR MD5 = 0: aaaa . aaaf
FOUND FOR MD5 = 1: aaaa . aaa2
FOUND FOR MD5 = 2: aaaa . aaab
FOUND FOR MD5 = 3: aaaa . aaaa
FOUND FOR MD5 = 4: aaaa . aaa9
FOUND FOR MD5 = 5: aaaa . aaay
FOUND FOR MD5 = 6: aaaa . aaag
FOUND FOR MD5 = 7: aaaa . aaad
FOUND FOR MD5 = 8: aaaa . aaao
FOUND FOR MD5 = 9: aaaa . aaak
FOUND FOR MD5 = 10: aaaa . aaan
FOUND FOR MD5 = 11: aaaa . aaax
FOUND FOR MD5 = 12: aaaa . aaae
FOUND FOR MD5 = 13: aaaa . aaal
FOUND FOR MD5 = 14: aaaa . aaac
FOUND FOR MD5 = 15: aaaa . aaa0
We can use this credentials to get session strings with various predefined MD5 values from website.
Well, next step: write a flag bruteforcer! :)
And now, if we try this bruteforcer with different credentials we generated before and website-generated tokens, we can retrieve different parts of flag! And then, we can recreate our flag with this parts!
### Flag