It's a memory dump, so we can analyse with [volatility](https://github.com/volatilityfoundation/volatility3)
Iterate through each of the plugins, looking for useful info. One of those plugins checks the `cmdline` and reveals some interesting command.
python vol.py -f memory_dump.raw windows.cmdscan
** 1032 conhost.exe 0x23442febbf0 _COMMAND_HISTORY.CommandBucket_Command_1 0x2344310e0e0 7z a -pScaredToDeathScaredToLook1312 -mhe flag.7z flag.zip
So, `7z` was used to encrypt a flag using the password `ScaredToDeathScaredToLook1312`
Search for these files with the `filescan` plugin.
python vol.py -f memory_dump.raw windows.filescan | grep flag
0xb20dbd74e720 \Users\cat\Desktop\flag.7z
Download one of those (password for both is the same)
python vol.py -f memory_dump.raw windows.dumpfiles.DumpFiles --virtaddr 0xb20dbd74e720
Finally, extract the flag: `7z x flag.zip`
Flag: `INTIGRITI{7h3_m3m0ry_h0ld5_7h3_53cr375}`