Players try to login to the secure bank but don't have the correct pin.
* Welcome to SecureBank *
* Your trusted partner in security *
= SecureBank Superadmin Login System =
Enter superadmin PIN: 1234
Access Denied! Incorrect PIN.
Checking the strings will uncover the plaintext flag (different for remote) but no pin.
strings -n 10 secure_bank
Access Granted! Welcome, Superadmin!
Here is your flag: %s
Access Denied! Incorrect 2FA code.
Enter superadmin PIN:
Access Denied! Incorrect PIN.
Enter your 2FA code:
GCC: (Debian 12.2.0-14) 12.2.0
We could try a tool like `ltrace` to see if the pin comparison is displayed.
printf("Enter superadmin PIN: ") = 22
__isoc99_scanf(0x55d5a141b1ea, 0x7ffe6418d938, 0, 0Enter superadmin PIN: 1234
) = 1
puts("Access Denied! Incorrect PIN."Access Denied! Incorrect PIN.
) = 30
+++ exited (status 1) +++
Unfortunately, it is not. Let's check the decompiled code with `ghidra`.
### Static Analysis
printf("Enter superadmin PIN: ");
if (pin == 1337) {
valid_code = generate_2fa_code(1337);
printf("Enter your 2FA code: ");
else {
puts("Access Denied! Incorrect PIN.");
return pin != 1337;
Classic `1337`, so predictable is almost unpredictable..
* Welcome to SecureBank *
* Your trusted partner in security *
= SecureBank Superadmin Login System =
Enter superadmin PIN: 1337
Enter your 2FA code: 1234
Access Denied! Incorrect 2FA code.
Checking the `generate_2fa_code` function, it looks a little complicated.
local_10 = param_1 * 0xbeef;
local_c = local_10;
for (local_14 = 0; local_14 < 10; local_14 = local_14 + 1) {
local_c = obscure_key(local_c);
local_10 = ((local_10 ^ local_c) << 5 | (local_10 ^ local_c) >> 0x1b) +
(local_c << ((char)local_14 + (char)(local_14 / 7) * -7 & 0x1fU) ^
local_c >> ((char)local_14 + (char)(local_14 / 5) * -5 & 0x1fU));
return local_10 & 0xffffff;
Nothing that a little variable renaming can't fix!
key = pin * 0xbeef;
code = key;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1) {
code = obscure_key(code);
key = ((key ^ code) << 5 | (key ^ code) >> 27) +
(code << ((char)i + (char)(i / 7) * -7 & 31U) ^
code >> ((char)i + (char)(i / 5) * -5 & 31U));
return key & 0xffffff;
Much better! The `obscure_code` function is quite simple.
return ((code ^ 0xa5a5a5a5) << 3 | (code ^ 0xa5a5a5a5) >> 29) * 0x1337 ^ 0x5a5a5a5a;
There's a lot of different ways to solve the challenge from here. One easy way might be to run the binary in a debugger like `gdb` (I like [pwndbg](https://github.com/pwndbg/pwndbg)) and set a breakpoint around the `generate_2f_code` function (or `validate_2fa_code`).
### Dynamic Analysis
Actually, we want to break right after the function (offset `0x1386`).
pwndbg> breakrva 0x1386
Breakpoint 1 at 0x555555555386
pwndbg> run
* Welcome to SecureBank *
* Your trusted partner in security *
= SecureBank Superadmin Login System =
Enter superadmin PIN: 1337
Breakpoint 1, 0x0000555555555386 in main ()
─────────────────────────────────────────[ DISASM / x86-64 / set emulate on ]─────────────────────────────────────────
0x555555555381 <main+112> call generate_2fa_code <generate_2fa_code>
► 0x555555555386 <main+117> mov dword ptr [rbp - 4], eax [0x7fffffffda8c] <= 0x568720
0x555555555389 <main+120> lea rax, [rip + 0xe7b] RAX => 0x55555555620b ◂— 'Enter your 2FA code: '
0x555555555390 <main+127> mov rdi, rax RDI => 0x55555555620b ◂— 'Enter your 2FA code: '
0x555555555393 <main+130> mov eax, 0 EAX => 0
0x555555555398 <main+135> call printf@plt <printf@plt>
See the value being moved from the EAX register onto the stack? `0x568720` in decimal is `5670688`, let's try it!
* Welcome to SecureBank *
* Your trusted partner in security *
= SecureBank Superadmin Login System =
Enter superadmin PIN: 1337
Enter your 2FA code: 5670688
Access Granted! Welcome, Superadmin!
Here is your flag: INTIGRITI{pffft_what_2fa?!}
### Solve.py
Another option is to make a solve script according to the decompiled code. I like to copy/paste from ghidra to ChatGPT and get a python script to run.
def obscure_key(key):
key ^= 0xA5A5A5A5
# Make sure it stays within 32 bits
key = (key << 3) & 0xFFFFFFFF | (key >> 29)
key *= 0x1337
key &= 0xFFFFFFFF # Keep it within 32-bit unsigned integer bounds
key ^= 0x5A5A5A5A
return key
def generate_2fa_code(pin):
key = pin * 0xBEEF
key &= 0xFFFFFFFF # Ensure it's 32-bit
code = key
for i in range(10):
key = obscure_key(key)
code ^= key
code = (code << 5) & 0xFFFFFFFF | (
code >> 27) # Rotate and ensure 32 bits
code += (key >> (i % 5)) ^ (key << (i % 7))
code &= 0xFFFFFFFF # Keep it within 32-bit unsigned integer bounds
code &= 0xFFFFFF # Ensure the 2FA code is 24 bits (6 digits)
return code
if __name__ == "__main__":
pin = 1337 # The superadmin PIN
expected_code = generate_2fa_code(pin)
print(f"Expected 2FA Code: {expected_code}")
python solve.py
Expected 2FA Code: 5670688
Flag: `INTIGRITI{pfff7_wh47_2f4?!}`