
# Kitty (Web - 70 Points, 568 solves)

> They managed to secure their website this time and moved the hashing to the server :(. We managed to leak this hash of the admin's password though! c7e83c01ed3ef54812673569b2d79c4e1f6554ffeb27706e98c067de9ab12d1a. Can you get the flag? [kitty.vuln.icec.tf](http://kitty.vuln.icec.tf/)


The first thing you want to do is look at the page source, you will notice specific password requirements to even send a POST to the server.

> minlength="5"

> pattern="[A-Z][a-z][0-9][0-9][\?%$@#\^\*\(\)\[\];:]"

Using this information we can either bruteforce the password since it is a small enough keyspace or use an online tool to crack it.

In this case, I'm going to brute force it with [Hashcat](https://hashcat.net/hashcat/)


You will find that the password is Vo83* which matches our password requirements as described above.


Flag: 'IceCTF{i_guess_hashing_isnt_everything_in_this_world}'

Original writeup (https://github.com/TeamContagion/CTF-Write-Ups/blob/master/icectf-2016/Web/Kitty).