### Solution:
Inside heirloom.txt file you can see there is encrypted text at the bottom which requires password . You can get the password from the image itself as the hex addressed are provided .
From here you will get the password along with some additional characters --‘torlogowikisaveaspng’ just follow what it says and get the image (The last hex value when converted to decimal gives 2011 which helps you get the exact image) . Also apply the given transformation on the image .
Step 1 : Search for tor on google … open only the Wikipedia link
Step 2 : Rigth click on the tor logo …. And save the image as png file
Step 3 : Add the tor image in the world image using python code (OpenCV library) and get the flag image .
(You may need to resize the tor logo image)
Step 4 : Enter the flag in the specified format
`FLAG: :- VishwaCTF{YCGU_34AY3D_70TH3_W05RlD}`