### Solution:
Upon analyzing letter.txt, we understand that we need to find a password for Akshay's account to withdraw currency.
* Step 1:
The file confidential.jpg appears to be a pitch-black image. Analyzing the image using binwalk reveals that it contains hidden files.
Run the following command to extract data from the image:
Copy code
binwalk -e confidential.jpg
* Step 2:
After extracting, two files are found:
* Step 3:
The 5ecr3t_c0de.zip file is password-protected, and helper.txt reveals that the password is a 6-digit number.
To brute-force the password, we create a wordlist of all possible 6-digit numbers using the following Python script:
Create a wordlist of all 6-digit numbers
with open('6_digit_wordlist.txt', 'w') as f:
for i in range(100000, 1000000):
f.write(str(i) + '\n')
* Step 4:
Use John The Ripper to brute-force the zip file with the created wordlist:
john --wordlist=6_digit_wordlist.txt --format=zip 5ecr3t_c0de.zip
The password for the zip file is 945621. After extracting the zip file, we find a text file named 5ecr3t_c0de.txt, which contains some coordinates.
* Step 5:
The next step is to plot the coordinates on the confidential.jpg image by changing the pixel colors at the specified points. The following Python script performs this task:
Copy code
from PIL import Image
Load the image
img = Image.open('confidential.jpg')
pixels = img.load()
List of coordinates extracted from 5ecr3t_c0de.txt
coordinates = [(x1, y1), (x2, y2), ...] # Replace with actual coordinates
Change the pixel color at the specified coordinates
for coord in coordinates:
pixels[coord] = (255, 0, 0) # Example: change pixel to red
Save the modified image
After running the script, the hidden flag appears in the image.