Hi All,
Unfortunately this CTF site is down (unavailable) at this moment, so I can not show you a challenge description, but in general there was a link to [Google Forms](https://www.google.com/forms/about/).
As you know, the link starts with https://docs.google.com/forms/ so it is external page of course.
The view of this form looks like below:

Google Form view, source: SpringForwardCTF 2024
I guess you wouldn’t want to log in to your Google account there :P
Moreover, we can see there about 13 pages and some weird values.
What is going on? Is it some kind of encoding or [cipher](https://www.dcode.fr/)? Should we combine these values and check different possibilities?
Before that, I prefer to check a site deeper. So let’s do it!
CTRL+U and now CTRL+F (search for) -> “NICC{“

Flag view, source: SpringForwardCTF 2024
Flag: **NICC{_Minerva’s_Blessing_for_U}**
**Short summary:** that was easy task, but it’s not the case — here we had to examinate our future approach. We could try to fill this form (by clicking I suppose), or checking in terms of possible encoding or cipher, but it was better for us **to make a simple manual recon at first**.
I hope you enjoy!