Hi All, Challenge description is like here:
"I think OSINT challenges are stupid! If they aren't, prove
it! How far away is this? Don't bother giving me the unit,
there's only one that you should be using in space
anyways (use Astronomical Units). The flag entry is
extremely forgiving just make sure you get the integer for
distance right."
From other tasks you could have found out that flag format is swampCTF{flag}.
The image is named “lis.webp”.
But, what is this? What is the real name?
You can use for example [Google Lens](https://lens.google.com/) to be a more familiar with this issue.

Searching result, source: Google Lens
The first one (top left) looks exactly the same. Very well!
Now, you know the name — ‘[Voyager 2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voyager_2)’.

Source: Google (Wikipedia text)
From Wikipedia you can get [the distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astronomical_unit)!
Flag: swampCTF{136.3}
I hope you enjoy!