

from Crypto.Util.Padding import unpad
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import hashlib

# Known parts of the key and IV
base_key = b'the_enc_key_is_'
base_iv = b'my_great_iv_is_'

# Encrypted message (obtained from the original script)
enc = b'\x16\x97,\xa7\xfb_\xf3\x15.\x87jKRaF&"\xb6\xc4x\xf4.K\xd77j\xe5MLI_y\xd96\xf1$\xc5\xa3\x03\x990Q^\xc0\x17M2\x18'

# Original message hash (obtained from the original script)
flag_hash = '6a96111d69e015a07e96dcd141d31e7fc81c4420dbbef75aef5201809093210e'

def brute_force_decrypt(enc, base_key, base_iv, flag_hash):
for key_suffix in range(256): # Loop through all possible byte values for the key suffix
for iv_suffix in range(256): # Loop through all possible byte values for the IV suffix
key = base_key + bytes([key_suffix])
iv = base_iv + bytes([iv_suffix])
cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
decrypted_msg = unpad(cipher.decrypt(enc), 16)
if hashlib.sha256(decrypted_msg).hexdigest() == flag_hash: # Check if the decrypted message matches the hash
return decrypted_msg, key, iv
except (ValueError, KeyError): # Catch any errors during decryption and continue
return None, None, None

decrypted_msg, found_key, found_iv = brute_force_decrypt(enc, base_key, base_iv, flag_hash)

if decrypted_msg:
print(f'Decrypted message: {decrypted_msg}')
print(f'Key: {found_key}')
print(f'IV: {found_iv}')
print('Failed to decrypt the message.')

Original writeup (https://medium.com/@zeroair41/cracking-the-code-a-dive-into-aes-encryption-with-wanictf2024-36c8b5fc5e51).