Rating: 4.0

In this challenge you will get a a netcat and a linux binary file and once run

welcome to the guessing game!
guess what I'm thinking

The main focus of this challenge is the binary file and using ghidra we could dump the binary and get a rough c code but for this challenge its we got the logic right away.

undefined8 main(void)

int iVar1;
undefined8 uVar2;
long in_FS_OFFSET;
int local_a4;
FILE *local_a0;
char local_98 [64];
char local_58 [72];
long local_10;

local_10 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
setbuf(stdout,(char *)0x0);
puts("welcome to the guessing game!");
puts("guess what I\'m thinking");
iVar1 = strcmp(local_98,"nuh uh pls nolfjdl\n");
if (iVar1 == 0) {
puts("please guess a number between 0 and 100:");
if ((int)(0x17a / (long)local_a4) + 3 == local_a4) {
puts("congratulations! you guessed the correct number!");
else {
puts("sorry, you guessed the wrong number!");
local_a0 = fopen("flag.txt","r");
if (local_a0 == (FILE *)0x0) {
puts("flag.txt not found - ping us on discord if you are running this on the server");
uVar2 = 1;
else {
uVar2 = 0;
else {
puts("nuh uh!");
uVar2 = 1;
if (local_10 != *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
/* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
return uVar2;

here on

puts("welcome to the guessing game!");
puts("guess what I\'m thinking");
iVar1 = strcmp(local_98,"nuh uh pls nolfjdl\n");

we got a fgets and it will get a value local_98 and a string **"nuh uh pls nolfjdl"** and entering **"nuh uh pls nolfjdl"** we get the:

> please guess a number between 0 and 100:

if ((int)(0x17a / (long)local_a4) + 3 == local_a4) {
puts("congratulations! you guessed the correct number!");
else {
puts("sorry, you guessed the wrong number!");

this is dosen't need to be overcomplicated because what ever you'll do it will go to the end to the:

local_a0 = fopen("flag.txt","r");

Full output:

$ nc tjc.tf 31478
welcome to the guessing game!
guess what I'm thinking
nuh uh pls nolfjdl
please guess a number between 0 and 100:
sorry, you guessed the wrong number!

> tjctf{n3v3r_c0uld_r34d_y0ur_m1nd_8e6646a1}