Tags: crypto 


1. decompile the challenge binary file, easy to understand, nothing to say

1. In file backdoor.py found that:

ctxt = (pow(g, int.from_bytes(ptxt, 'big'), n_sq) * pow(r, n, n_sq)) % n_sq

because of :

ctxt == (g ^ ptxt) * (r ^ n) mod n_sq
=> ctxt^a == ((g ^ ptxt) * (r ^ n))^a mod n_sq
=> ctxt^a == (g ^ ptxt)^a * (r ^ n)^a mod n_sq
=> ctxt^a == (g ^ (ptxt*a)) * ((r ^a)^ n) mod n_sq

lookat backdoor.py :

while True:
r = random.randrange(1, n)
if gcd(r, n) == 1:

when execute backdoor.py without arguments, it will print the cipher result of 'ls' (ptxt)

So we need to find a payload instead of 'ls', and the payload : int(palyload) == int('ls') * n

because of:

def run(msg: dict):
ptxt = dec(msg['hash'], msg['ctxt'])

we use the follow script to find out payload and n:

from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes, bytes_to_long

ls = bytes_to_long(b'ls')

# char in bytes.split() is seperator
TAB = b' \x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d'

sh_b = b'sh'
for i0 in TAB:
for i1 in TAB:
for i2 in TAB:
for i3 in TAB:
for i4 in TAB:
for i5 in TAB:
b = sh_b + bytes([i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5])
a = bytes_to_long(b)%ls
if a==0:
n = bytes_to_long(b)//ls
print(n, b)

# b = ls * n

After run it, we got payload: b'sh\t \x0c\t\r ', and n = 299531993847392

Finally, write the full exploit:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json

from pwn import *

HOST = os.environ.get('HOST', 'localhost')
PORT = 31337

io = remote(HOST, int(PORT))

# GET THE 'ls' cipher result
io.recvuntil(b'> ')
ret = io.recvuntil(b'Welcome to Shiny Shell Hut!')
idx = ret.index(b'{"hash":')
end = ret.index(b'}', idx + 1)
msg = ret[idx:end+1]
msg = json.loads(msg)

ctxt = msg["ctxt"]
n = msg["n"]

# MAKE new payload
payload = b'sh\t \x0c\t\r '
h = int(hashlib.sha256(payload).hexdigest(), 16)
ctxt = pow(ctxt, 299531993847392, n*n)
msg = {'hash': h, 'ctxt': ctxt, 'n': n}