# Corruption
> Can't seem to open the file. The file was corrupted with operations used through this application: (Link to cyberchef download).
This challenge was a fair bit guessy in my opinion but the solution in the end was found.
We start with a 'corrupted' file which was modified using CyberChef (attached via a download).
I load the file into CyberChef and begin going through the options sequentially (as there was no other indicator of what to do :/ ), until I see an interesting result on 'Rotate right'.
00 F7 FA 28 A2 80 0A 28 A2 80 0A 28 A2 80 0A 28 A2 80 0A 28 A2 80 0A 28 A2 80 0A 28 A2 80 0A 28 A2 80 0A 28 A2 80 0A 28 A2 80 0A 28 A2 80 0A 28 A2 80 0A 28 A2
It seems we have some hex data!
I take out the hex data seperately and decode it and I save the bytes output to a file.
Now, this file is a JPEG and I know JPEGs can be rendered with only partial file content, so I think if I override the 'hex' data with the data we decoded and fixed the magic bytes, we might get a working file.
I open the file in a hex editor and override the bytes with the new ones. I find the JPEG magic bytes online are `FFD8FFE0 00104A46 49460001`, which lines up with the final `01` in the file.
Upon saving we get a working JPEG with the flag inside.

Flag: `gigem{uncorrupting_image_files_90812}`