Tags: srand libc rev 

Rating: 4.0

# Space Heroes ATM Writeup

## Introduction
In this writeup, we'll discuss the exploitation of the "Space Heroes ATM" challenge. The goal was to exploit a vulnerability in the provided binary to gain unauthorized access to the ATM and retrieve the flag.

## Initial Analysis
Upon analyzing the binary, we discovered that it utilizes the current time as a seed for generating a random number. This random number is then used in the ATM service for some operation, likely related to processing transactions. Additionally, there was no apparent input validation or authentication mechanism.

## Exploitation Strategy
1. **Understanding Time-based Seed**: The binary generates a random number using the current time as a seed. This means that if we can predict or control the time at which the random number is generated, we can predict the generated random number.
2. **Exploiting Predictable Randomness**: We can predict the random number by manipulating the time zone offset used in the generation process. By setting the time zone offset to a specific value, we can ensure that the generated random number matches our expectation.
3. **Interacting with the ATM Service**: With the predictable random number, we interact with the ATM service to trigger the desired behavior. This may involve simulating a transaction or accessing a hidden functionality.

## Exploitation Code
from pwn import *
from ctypes import CDLL

#context.binary = binary = ELF("./atm.bin")

libc = CDLL('libc.so.6')

def generate_random_number():
current_time = int(time.time())
random_number = libc.rand()
return random_number

#p = process()
p = remote("spaceheroes-atm.chals.io", 443, ssl=True, sni="spaceheroes-atm.chals.io")
random_num = generate_random_number()
