Tags: instagram osint 


We're still trying to figure out who tom's new friend is. Did you dig into them from the forums? They honestly look familiar... and kind of cute.

Think we can find the flag from him?

Developed by: Cyb0rgSw0rd


Check out all of the users on the [forums](https://drtomlei.xyz/forums). See the writeup for crypto/aces-aes for how to find it. [g0ldenfalc0n7](https://drtomlei.xyz/user/g0ldenfalc0n7) in particular has some social media links on Twitter and Github. However, searching on other social media sites, we can also find him on instagram [here](https://www.instagram.com/g0ldenfalc0n7/)!

On one of his posts, there is a user named "megamegzthe1337". Scrolling through her posts and comments, we find a [conversation](https://www.instagram.com/p/C44chwnM4IX/) between her and g0ldenfalc0n7 that includes the flag!


Original writeup (https://nightxade.github.io/ctf-writeups/writeups/2024/Jersey-CTF-IV-2024/osint/cyber-daddy.html).