Tags: osint 


## snakemas is coming


#### Description:
*Luckily, the most beautiful season of the year is near. I need to decorate
my house with the coolest things ever! I found this super big mall on the internet who sells the perfect decoration!!! But I don’t have money :( I need a plan
to steal the decoration. Maybe I can hack the webcams to watch the security
footages and find the perfect moment to act! I can try my new hacking attack!*

*Here are the commands:
1. e4 e5 2. b3 *

*Flag format: snakeCTF{TheNameOfTheAttack}*


The title and the description of the challenge refer to the Christmas season,
which will turn out to be an essential clue for solving the challenge.

The *commands* provided are chess moves and they’re the moves
of the King’s Pawn Opening. Please note that in chess an asterisk is usually
used to refer to an unknown result or a possibly incomplete game, but in our
case it doesn’t really matter.

As I previously said, we are facing a King’s Pawn Opening. However, this is
not the right answer!
I am not a chess player so I struggled a lot with this challenge... But I didn’t give up, I kept going!

After I was almost done with this challenge, I got an epiphany (luckily).

I thought: ”if I know that it is a King’s Pawn Opening, why don’t I just
search it up online and add the *Christmas* keyword?” By doing so I found
**this post** on Chess.com written by a user called X PLAYER J X who decided to invent a chess opening to portray the holiday spirit.

*Please check out [my writeup on GitHub](https://github.com/marihere/CTF_writeups/blob/main/snakeCTF2023/snakemas%20is%20coming) for the images and references.*


The flag is:
### snakeCTF{TheSantaClausAttack}

Original writeup (https://github.com/marihere/CTF_writeups/blob/main/snakeCTF2023/snakemas%20is%20coming).