Tags: forensics wireshark
## Forensics/PLC I ? (355 solves)
> The MAPNA CERT team has identified an intrusion into the plant's PLCs, discovering a covert message transferred to the PLC. Can you uncover this secret message?
If we open the given PCAP we can look at it in Wireshark, looking at the packets, we can see in some of them small segments of data.

After looking through all the packets I see the following:
- `3:Ld_4lW4` (Packet 19)
- `5:3__PaAD` (Packet 31)
- `1:MAPNA{y` (Packet 35)
- `4:yS__CaR` (Packet 39)
- `6:d1n9!!}` (Packet 46)
- `2:0U_sHOu` (Packet 50)
Compiled together in the numerical order we get the flag.
Flag: `MAPNA{y0U_sHOuLd_4lW4yS__CaR3__PaADd1n9!!}`
**Files:** [PLC_0829b4ef9780677086043add8592e996f21e0bbe.txz](https://web.archive.org/web/20240121173821/https://mapnactf.com/tasks/PLC_0829b4ef9780677086043add8592e996f21e0bbe.txz)