Tags: reversing 


# Main idea

Pretty easy reverse task, but with some intersting aspects.
From the challenge we have encrpyted flag in hex:

_ _
| | | |
__ _____ _ __| |__ | | ___ _ __
\ \ /\ / / _ \| '__| '_ \| |/ _ \ '__|
\ V V / (_) | | | |_) | | __/ |
\_/\_/ \___/|_| |_.__/|_|\___|_|

Enter flag: *redacted*
Here's your flag: a81c0750d48f0750

And python's byte code, that encryptes our flag.

# Solution

With teammate, i tried to reverse byte code using our hands and Chat-GPT 3.5.
And that code we reconctructed from byte code.

import re

def worble(s):
s1 = 5
s2 = 31

for n in range(len(s)):
s1 = (s1 + ord(s[n]) + 7) % 65521
s2 = (s1 * s2) % 65521

return (s2 << 16) | s1

def shmorble(s):
r = ''

for i in range(len(s)):
r += s[len(s) - i - 1]

return r

def blorble(a, b):
result = format(a, 'x') + format(b, 'x')
return result

flag = input('Enter flag:')

pattern = re.compile('^uoftctf\\{([bdrw013]){9}\\}$')

if pattern.match(flag):
a = worble(flag)
b = worble(flag[::-1])
print("Here's your flag:")
print(shmorble(blorble(a, b)))
print('Incorrect format!')

# Reverse code

The program takes as input some `flag` with format in regular expression `pattern`.
If flag passes regex, than flag converts to hex format after some mathematical operations in `worble`, `shmorble` and `blorble` functions (I will not break down this function beacuse they are pretty easy to unserstand).

So from output we have some `encrypted flag` in hex format.

# Solution

We know that flag is in some specified format from regex. So we can write brute force function to test all combinations, encrypted combinations with `worble`, `shmorble` and `blorble` functions like in main program and compare with our original encrypted flag from description.

# Solution script

import re
import itertools

enc_flag = 'a81c0750d48f0750'
pattern = re.compile('^uoftctf\\{([bdrw013]){9}\\}$')

def worble(s):
s1 = 5
s2 = 31

for n in range(len(s)):
s1 = (s1 + ord(s[n]) + 7) % 65521
s2 = (s1 * s2) % 65521 # s2 = 0

return (s2 << 16) | s1

def shmorble(s):
r = ''

for i in range(len(s)):
r += s[len(s) - i - 1]

return r

def blorble(a, b):
result = format(a, 'x') + format(b, 'x')
return result

def brute_force_flag():
# all possible combinations of 9 characters from the set {b, d, r, w, 0, 1, 3}
words = [''.join(i) for i in itertools.product('bdrw013', repeat = 9)]

for word in words:
flag = 'uoftctf{' + word + '}'
a = worble(flag)
b = worble(flag[::-1])
# print(blorble(a, b))
if blorble(a, b) == enc_flag:
print('Word ', word, ' works!')
print('Flag: ', flag)


The interesting thing was in reversing operations from original code, because in our brute force function we didnt use `shmorble()` (i tried with `shmorble()` but it falied and nothig was outputed). In some reasons `original encrypted flag` from description was generated without using `shmorble()`

Original writeup (https://github.com/NOZ1000/CTF_Writeups_from_NOZi/tree/main/UofTCTF/All%20Worbled%20Up).