Tags: osint airport
Rating: 5.0
## OSINT/Flying High (354 solves)
Created by: `windex`
> I'm trying to find a flight I took back in 2012. I forgot the airport and the plane, but I know it is the one with an orange/red logo on the right side of this photo I took. Can you help me identify it? The flag format is UofTCTF{AIRPORT_AIRLINE_AIRCRAFT}. AIRPORT is the 3 letter IATA code, AIRLINE is the name of the airline (dash-separated if required), and AIRCRAFT is the aircraft model and variant (omit manufacturer name). For example, UofTCTF{YYZ_Air-Canada_A320-200} or UofTCTF{YYZ_Delta_767-300}. Note: The aircraft variant should be of X00 format; ie. there may be models with XYZ-432, but the accepted variant will be XYZ-400.
We are given the following image to start with:

The challenge description states we need the 3 letter IATA code for the airport, the airline and the aircraft model and variant.
The building on the left side 'Novespace' seems to have only 1 hit on Google Maps in [France](https://www.google.com.au/maps/@44.8378482,-0.7161052,3a,75y,119.31h,93.15t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sPLLVOdxxS24c-6eTu1fJ4g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656). More specifically, Bordeaux-Mérignac Airport or BOD.
Looking at the symbols on the plane in the picture and browsing a [Wikipedia Entry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_airline_liveries_and_logos) for the phrase 'yellow and red', I eventually stumble upon Iberia Airline.

Seem's like the same markings! Now what model do we have?
I look on Iberia's website and find a [current fleet](https://www.iberia.com/iberia-fleet/) list.

After trying a few I spot the 'A340-600' model and get success with the following flag.
Flag: `UofTCTF{BOD_Iberia_A340-600}`
**Files:** [airplane.png](https://files.seall.dev/ctfs/uoftctf2024/flying-high/airplane.png)