Tags: google-cloud path-traversal
## Miscellaneous/Out of the Bucket (506 solves)
Created by: `windex`
> Check out my flag website! https://storage.googleapis.com/out-of-the-bucket/src/index.html
Visiting the page we are given a little page with pictures of flags.

We can see in the URL that its inside the directory `/src/index.html`, what if we go to the root directory instead?
Visiting [the root directory](https://storage.googleapis.com/out-of-the-bucket/) gives us the following:
We can see the directory listing, and `secret/dont_show` catches my eye.
Visiting that page we download a `dont_show` file, which contains our flag!
Flag: `uoftctf{allUsers_is_not_safe}`
**Files:** None provided :(