Tags: python2 crypto 


This is what we're given:

import random
import time
time.sleep(random.randint(0, 50))
for c in flag:
ct += chr(random.randint(0,255) ^ ord(c))

This problem seems pretty trivial at first! All it does is take the time and wait for some amount of seconds between 0 and 50 before setting a random seed.
The below program is a very simple implementation of decryption -- loop through all possible numberof seconds, perform the XOR, and print if it's all ASCII.
import random
import string
#import binascii
import time

def is_ascii(s): # GeeksForGeeks
"""Return True if string s is ASCII, False otherwise."""
return all(c in string.printable for c in s)

c = "a0469bbb0b3a4f06306739032244b0c5119ba66a0d3b5a2322acdd7070bf85690cdf8573212c1b927e0ba624"
#c = binascii.unhexlify(c)
inittime = int(1697043249.53)

for i in range(51):
res = ""
#print(i, chr(random.randint(0, 255) ^ c[0]))
for j in range(0,len(c), 2):
res += chr(random.randint(0,255) ^ int(c[j:j+2], 16))
if is_ascii(res):
But it doesn't work! Why?
Admittedly, I spent an incredibly long time on this one step trying to figure out why it wasn't working. But then, I finally came to a realization.

The source code is written in Python 2, which we can tell by the .encode("hex") function call. "hex" is not a valid encoding in Python 3.
Since time.time() changes in Python 2, we need to run this in Python 2! I just used an online Python 2 interpreter to run it:
