Tags: osint
## Task
> Legend tells of an English family who moved to Conneticut in the 1700s only to be stricken with grief and ultimately death. A common place for ghost hunters and thrill seekers, this haunted location is one I have been to many times. Can you tell me what year the General’s wife was killed and how?
> Submit the flag as flag{yearCauseofdeath}. Example: flag{2012bees}.
## Solution
This image is provided
Lets try [reverse image searching ](https://images.google.com/)to see if we can find where this is.
A search of the whole image just returns random streets, so lets try consolidating to the street signs, as that is the most unique part of the image.
By consolidating the search to only the street signs, we can find [a website](https://cornwallchronicle.org/a-numbers-game/) containing the same street sign.
By reading the article, we can find that this road is in Cornwall, Connecticut.
Let’s try searching for haunted places/stories in that area and see if we can find anything.
By searching for ‘Cornwall, Connecticut Haunted’ we can find many articles about the ‘Ghosts of Dudleytown, Cornwall CT’
In the [Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dudleytown,_Connecticut), we can find that Gideon Dudley was the first one to arrive to Dudleytown.
Let’s try and find further information about Gideon Dudley.
Searching ‘Gideon Dudley cornwall’ gets us some results
We have already checked the Wikipedia article, so let’s try the next result
The [second result ](htt//www.americanhauntingsink.com/dudleytown)is another article.
Let’s try and find any info about a wife using the trusty CMD + F shortcut.
We can find this paragraph about a General’s wife, which is exactly what we are looking for. It says that in **1804**, the General’s wife **Sarah Faye**, was struck by **lightning**.
Therefore, the flag is **`flag{1804lightning}`**