Tags: osint 


## Task
> mirveal and d34th are known to use Twitter (errr.. X). Can you find a flag associated with mirveal on his social media?
> Submit the flag as: flag{flag_goes_here}. It’ll be obvious when you find it.

## Solution
Since there are no images or links provided in the challenge description we should check the [Ghost Town forum](https://ghosttown.deadface.io/) to find any useful info.

Searching with key term ‘twitter’, we can find [this thread](https://ghosttown.deadface.io/t/dark-web-dumps-anyone/101).

The first post


Mentions that d34th, who is also mentioned in the challenge description, has twitter. Maybe finding d34th’s twitter might help find Mirveal’s twitter account.

In another challenge (Slothy)[ d34th’s twitter account](https://twitter.com/D34th72915351) is stated.

Usually, friends follow each other, so maybe Mirveal follows d34th. To check this we can check d34th’s following page.


Where we can find [mirveal’s twitter account](https://twitter.com/Akio08641379).

[A link](https://mastodon.social/@akiomirveal) is in his bio, which is another social media platform profile of Mirveal.

Here, we can find the flag in his bio.


Therefore, the flag is `flag{0h_no_u_f0unD-ME}`

Thanks for reading! Happy hacking!